View Full Version : worrid again!

22-12-14, 21:32
so ive posted a few things on here about my weight loss which caused me then to have a break down! im terrible for going on google and in the space of 2 weeks thought ive had 5 different types of cancer! I lost about a stone in weight in about a month but I was not eating a lot and had stopped drinking beer as I had gone of it for some reason! working a lot of hours at work 12-13 hour days in a pub on my feet! well now and again id get a tight chest feeling mixed with dizzy feelings and have the odd panic attack that I could sometimes bring down! anyway I started getting stomach problems have been told I had ibs in the past so put it down to that! but then with my loss of appetite and weight loss i started to panic! I was only getting really 5-6 hours sleep a night and doing 12 hour days on my feet and I was waking up in the night breathless and shaking like a panic attack! anyway don't want to bore you all but I started sertealine 2 and a half weeks ago and 2mg diazepam 3 times a day! anway stomach seems to have sorted it self out burping ext stopped! poo has gone back to normal although Its light brown but doctor said meds can do that! anyway last few days ive noticed shotness of breath and feeling tired all the time don't know if these meds can cause that! heavy legs ext now I think I have lung cancer:weep: I do smoke and have done for 10 years im 26 now but am stopping day by day! I have no cough apart from the odd one now and again and phlem has no blood in ext! is it normal when your sitting or lieing down to have to take a deep breath now and again? my appetite is coming back and im eating a lot put on 5 pound in a week and my mom seems to think if you have cancer you just keep losing weight not putting it on! sorry for the long post guys

22-12-14, 21:59
Your post reminded me so much of how my boyfriend was when his anxiety was really bad. You know yourself that Googling is a bad idea, I am terrible though and I am trying to wean myself off it myself.

My boyfriend used to work very long hours in a restaurant and was on his feet all day, getting very little sleep etc... when his anxiety was bad and had many of the symptoms you are describing.

Sertraline can cause a loss of appetite too, I have had this on and off since starting it a week ago. I have 2mg diazepam to take x3 times a day and this can make you feel groggy too.

Definitely giving up smoking will help you feel better in general and worry less. I gave up a few months ago and feel much better for it!

I know you are working very long days and it is hard to find time to relax when you are working so many hours, but really try and get some more sleep if you can. I know there is more to it than 'just getting a good nights sleep' but from experience it really does help.

Regarding the sudden deep breaths thing, I used to get that all the time. Dunno what caused it but sometimes I would be lying down on the sofa watching the telly and wouldn't suddenly take a huge breath in almost like a gasp. I guess its to do with anxiety but I am not medically qualified to say what it is exactly.

I know it is hard not to Google but when you get the urge to do it, try searching for symptoms on this forum instead and see if the symptoms are related to anxiety? That is what I have started doing and it has really helped.

Good luck to you :)

22-12-14, 23:28
I was signed of work because I was that bad I was in the doctors every day for a week! I lost my appetite way before the sertraline but then I put that down to bein over tired and not wanting to eat ext! had full blood check liver ext and doc felt my stomach and listend to my chest and said it was as clear as anything but could he have missed something! I hate all his :( ive felt I need more sleep then before since takeing the meds! im not very active any more gym wise but I do run round a pub all the time! legs feel like there going to give way! doctor is not worried but I am! its not like I whezze I just feel like I need to take deep breath sometimes and I can play wihh the dog and be fine but running up the stairs I felt a bit breathless!

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

anyone :S

23-12-14, 07:37
I was signed of work because I was that bad I was in the doctors every day for a week! I lost my appetite way before the sertraline but then I put that down to bein over tired and not wanting to eat ext! had full blood check liver ext and doc felt my stomach and listend to my chest and said it was as clear as anything but could he have missed something! I hate all his :( ive felt I need more sleep then before since takeing the meds! im not very active any more gym wise but I do run round a pub all the time! legs feel like there going to give way! doctor is not worried but I am! its not like I whezze I just feel like I need to take deep breath sometimes and I can play wihh the dog and be fine but running up the stairs I felt a bit breathless!

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

anyone :S

I do understand how this feels. It is really difficult but please try and trust what your dr is telling you if you can. I know how hard it is though, I had a mole checked last week and the dr said its fine but I am still worried.

It sounds like you are doing an awful lot of running about at work and very long hours which can sometimes make our anxieties and physical symptoms worse.

I used to go to the gym loads, x3 body combat classes a week, weights, yoga, swimming - felt on top of the world when I did all that but now I rarely go. I am going to start going again in the new year as I find it really helps me.

I was having morning dry heaving before I started sertraline, anxiety can cause nausea and loss of appetite. Keep at it with the sertraline, give it a chance. I am on my 7th or 8th day now I think and still feel strange on it, it has definitely make my anxiety worse but the Dr has told me to stay on it as she said after 2 weeks this should ease off and I should start feeling better.

Remember you can always come here to talk about your fears and concerns, try and come here rather than Google - this technique has really helped me.

Lots of people understand what you are going through and you aren't alone.

Take care