View Full Version : So I went to the GP today

22-12-14, 23:20
So I have been telling myself I would see my new GP, who has yet to see me, as soon as I got out of my run of shifts. I phoned up this morning and made the appointment.

I took with me the entire list of symptoms and dialogue of how i've felt that i've put together over the past few weeks so that I don't do that walking out and feeling like i forgot to mention something important thing...

Anyway, I had a really bad attack of the dizziness whilst on my way there, which lasted when I got there, so I stumbled into my Drs office mid full blown 'attack' of this anxiety, if it is indeed anxiety. She looked a little concerned but spent a long while asking me questions, which felt a lot more like she was listening to me than my previous doc, which was nice and re-assuring. And also meant she could see how effected i was without me having to try and explain

I also felt able to express the more serious things I thought was wrong with me, ie brain tumour, MS etc. She didn't dismiss them like I was mad, just said the symptoms didn't really fit, but that they can be subtle sometimes!

She had a look in my eyes, looking for signs of raised ICP i'd imagine, and didn't seem to see anything of note, and also had a look in my ears to see if anything was obvious there, again nothing.

What I found re-assuring was her assurance that she would not rule out something physical and put it all down to stress completely. Previously my last doctor had this 'It's just anxiety' type attitude which really didn't help me.

Anyway, Doctor has prescribed me some Prozac and said to go back and see her in 3 weeks and we'll see how I feel. If I've improved, great, if I'm still getting the dizzyness she is happy to consider a referral to an ENT specialist or a Neurologist, to rule things out, which again is nice.

Obviously, I still feel unwell, but it is nice to feel like I have a doctor now who is going to listen to me, and that it won't be an uphill battle.

Spent the past few hours reading about the start up side effects of Prozac, but overall it seems if you can get through them, then it's a worthwhile drug and has helped a lot of people, so i'm determined to give it a go :) It is known to increase anxiety, but she has said I can continue to take my propranalol which helps with my panic side a lot. The reason the dizzyness got me into a full on panic today, was because I'd stayed in bed and not taken it, I think! She has advised me to avoid things that i know make my anxiety worse... Like staying in bed all day! lol

Anyway, feeling icky, and dizzy and lightheaded, but also a bit optimistic and positive tonight. Determined to find my old self again, one way or another! Little disappointed I didn't manage it without medication, but hey, we will see :)


23-12-14, 12:47
Let me know how you get on ,I have had the exact same symptoms on and off for nearly eight years,mine only seem to go when im busy or distracted .Have a good Xmas .