View Full Version : Scared waiting for BFs blood results

23-12-14, 04:43
He had his second lot done yesterday as he had low platelets first test and the doc wanted to see if they were dropping more. Also tested for some other things.

Freaking out over here.

23-12-14, 07:20
Hi there

I can relate to this. My boyfriend has an underactive thyroid and has to have more blood tests in a couple of weeks, I am terrified of it him having any sort of tests and hate the waiting.

He has been sweating at night occasionally which I know can be due to his low thyroid but I worry myself thinking there is another cause.

Waiting for results is just the worst thing. Hope the time passes quickly for you and you both get some good news.

I know a lot of people on here have health anxiety over their partners/family so you are never alone.

Take care xx

23-12-14, 08:08
Sigh, I don't know what to do. :(

23-12-14, 13:22
Sigh, I don't know what to do. :(

I understand, I really do. It is such a horrible feeling waiting. Is there somebody you can talk to who understands or someone you can be with? Sometimes I find company and going off and doing something with someone helps take my mind off it when I am worrying about things like that.

I know just how it feels though, for me it's a sicky, churning feeling in the pit of my stomach and literally NOTHING anyone can say makes me feel any better or puts my mind at rest... it's like once the idea is in my head it is real to me if that makes sense? I always imagine the worst.

You know there are lots of people here who understand and I really hope that offers you at least a little bit of comfort at such a worrying time.

Take care xx

23-12-14, 13:50
Sigh, I don't know what to do. :(

Talk with doctor.

23-12-14, 21:51
They're not my results so I can't talk with doc without his permission.

26-12-14, 22:43
At least the doctor is doing further tests :) Honestly, all you can do is wait and see. I've said it before, but low platelets can be caused by MANY things, and some people do just naturally have a lower level for no reason at all. There could be a perfectly harmless explanation for this level, and I don't think there is a huge cause for concern just yet. I understand your worries for his health, but being anxious and panicking isn't going to change the result, whatever it may be. Hopefully you'll have more answers in a few days. Remember, it is more likely to be something minor rather than a major health issue.

27-12-14, 02:33
Thank you for all your support and advice. Finding this forum has helped me a great deal.

27-12-14, 23:44
Did u find out what they were after everything ok x

28-12-14, 02:06
No, still don't know.