View Full Version : Early morning panicking and associated symptoms

23-12-14, 07:49
Hi all

For the past few weeks I've found I have been waking very early in the mornings panicking, often with my heart racing worrying about various physical symptoms.

Does anyone else have this and if so, have you found a way to tackle it or ease it a little? It is so frustrating going to bed wracked with worry and anxiety hoping it will ease in the morning, then waking up feeling panicked and even worse :mad:

Also does anyone ever worry there partner is dead when alseep? I know that sounds mad but if I can't hear my boyfriend breathing I have to prod him :blush: I know that isn't normal. Does anyone else get this?

This morning wasn't so bad as my boyfriend bless him was awake too so he cheered me up and now we're sat watching telly together but I hate waking up when he's still asleep and I am fidgeting and panicking worrying that something awful will happen :weep:

I was dry heaving a lot but that has eased slightly now, although I still feel queasy and my appetite is patchy. I normally love my food and enjoy all the lovely foods around at Christmas time, but the thought of some of them at the moment is making me retch! :scared15:

Does anyone has any tips for dealing with early morning anxiety and worries over health concerns at this early time of the day?


23-12-14, 07:58
Yes I have it all the time nothing to worry about

23-12-14, 09:32
I don't know if this will help but many many years ago when my panic/issues first arose I went to my GP and said first thing in the morning was the worst becuase I used to wake up and start panicking.

He suggested that I set an alarm to wake me (back in those days we had stereo alarms) he thought if I woke to something ie music it was a distraction. I used to find I'd wake on my own and instantly start worrying/panicking about things.

Is there anyway you could do something like that to help distract you when you wake? It did actually work for me I used to find myself humming along to a song and once I'd got over that inital 10-15 minutes I was ok.

It's horrible and I still now find last thing at night and first thing in the mornings are worst.

23-12-14, 13:19
I don't know if this will help but many many years ago when my panic/issues first arose I went to my GP and said first thing in the morning was the worst becuase I used to wake up and start panicking.

He suggested that I set an alarm to wake me (back in those days we had stereo alarms) he thought if I woke to something ie music it was a distraction. I used to find I'd wake on my own and instantly start worrying/panicking about things.

Is there anyway you could do something like that to help distract you when you wake? It did actually work for me I used to find myself humming along to a song and once I'd got over that inital 10-15 minutes I was ok.

It's horrible and I still now find last thing at night and first thing in the mornings are worst.

Thanks for the advice Munchlet :) I struggle in the mornings as often I am up early for work and wake up in a bit of a fluster. I hate the sound of my alarm so I might set some soothing music to go of 15 minutes before or something. Good suggestion, thanks!

I find my anxiety is definitely worse last thing at night and first thing in the morning too, and when I am alone.

I just hate that feeling you get where it creeps over you, it literally feels like hands round my neck sometimes strangling me and stopping me from having a normal life. I am determined to beat this though. Thanks for your help xx

23-12-14, 13:51
It will be fine.