View Full Version : I've missed my Citalopram for 4 1/2 days

23-12-14, 08:01
Hey guys

It sounds crazy, but I genuinely forgot about my pill, I take 10mg of citalopram daily and have done for 3 years now, and the last time I had it was last Thursday night.

I started to feel really off yesterday (Monday) and I remembered that I hadn't had my pill so I quickly ran to my doctors after work and picked up my prescription and had one last night, 4 days since I last had one.

Today I've woken up so dizzy and I made it to the bathroom to get ready for work and I just zonked out and fell over. My head feels so swimmy and horrible like there's literally marbles rattling about in there.

Is this normal for withdrawal and how long do you think it will take to get the citalopram back into my system? I feel horrendous and I so don't want to spend christmas like this :weep:

I know it's my own fault hut I genuinely didn't do it on purpose trying to go cold turkey or anything like that, I just forgot.

Any tips or advice would be absolutely amazing x

23-12-14, 09:52
Just try and take it easy for the next few days, hopefully as you have been on them a long time they won't take too long to start working again

23-12-14, 09:58
What you are describing is how I felt coming off Citalopram so I wouldn't worry about it and just bare it out until it kicks back in.

It will get back into your system very quickly. It peaks at 4 hours. However, you may be finding you are experiencing some of the side effects of going back on it. I doubt you will suffer the full blown side effects (and remember it has a half life of 35 hours anyway so you didn't go quite as long as you think), well I hope not anyway, but I expect its because your system is feeling a bit messed around by it all.

If you do have real problems, you could always consult your GP.

23-12-14, 11:50
Oh you guys thank you. I've been feeling so bad, I took the day off work and everything.

I was literally just lying down and the whole room started to spin, I just quickly focussed on one thing to pull myself out of it but it felt horrendous nonetheless.

I could kick myself for forgetting about it, especially so close to Christmas and stuff.

I'm just waiting on my GP to come back to me now. Thank you so much got your reassurances and taking the time to reply to me.