View Full Version : nabothian cyst

23-12-14, 13:07
Iv bin for my smear this morning and she said she wants me to see my gp cos my cervix is red and the nabothian cyst r big .am worried sick now and cant stop cryin thinkin its goin to be the c word .my last smear was 3 year's ago and that was normal really worried has anyone else had this .

23-12-14, 13:42
Hi Nicola

I am sorry you had such a frightening experience with your smear, do you have someone with you at the moment who can support you?

Make sure you do see your GP about this, try not to think the worst if you can help it (easier said than done I know) Nurses will often advise to get something seen by a GP, it happened to me with my mole last week and I am fine. I know how scared you are feeling right now though hun but you aren't alone.

I am not medically qualified but surely there are other causes of your cervix being red? I know you will be worried sick about the C word though hun, I really do understand.

Thinking of you hun, hope you find some peace with this soon xx

23-12-14, 13:58
Talk with doctor.

23-12-14, 15:07
Iv bin to the doctors and she said to wait till me smear is bk and told me there is white cell in my wee omg more to worry about now .my hubby has bin with me .just cant stop thinkin its something bad .