View Full Version : Google!!

23-12-14, 13:38
This is how bad i am and obsessed that something is wrong. I went to my doctors again yesterday about feeling like i can't breath properly and back ache and she checked my lungs, temperature and put the oxygen thing on my finger. She said everything was fine and she gave me an inhaler to try incase it's mild asthma but also said anxiety can cause it. She said my back/shoulder ache was more muscular. So the oxygen thingy i saw was 86% so when i got home instead of being relieved i googled 86% and it said copd and respiratory problems. I went all cold and thought surely she wouldn't have said it was fine if it wasn't but then i realised it must have been 98% and i was seeing it upside down.
It shows you how we panic right away and don't trust what doctors say.

23-12-14, 13:45
This is how bad i am and obsessed that something is wrong. I went to my doctors again yesterday about feeling like i can't breath properly and back ache and she checked my lungs, temperature and put the oxygen thing on my finger. She said everything was fine and she gave me an inhaler to try incase it's mild asthma but also said anxiety can cause it. She said my back/shoulder ache was more muscular. So the oxygen thingy i saw was 86% so when i got home instead of being relieved i googled 86% and it said copd and respiratory problems. I went all cold and thought surely she wouldn't have said it was fine if it wasn't but then i realised it must have been 98% and i was seeing it upside down.
It shows you how we panic right away and don't trust what doctors say.

Hi Zippy

Your post really struck a chord with me, I am exactly the same and often I don't trust what a nurse/GP has told me. I too experience that feeling of 'going all cold' when I Google... happened to me last week when I thought I had skin cancer!

I have set myself a challenge today of not Googling ANY heath worries whatsoever. Literally no good ever comes of it for me, from now on if I have any concerns that are really bothering me I will see my GP and trust them!

It is such a battle though and for me the thoughts are always in the back of my mind swirling around, even when I distract myself they are still there.

Thanks again for you post, really helps put things into perspective to hear about things like this :yesyes:

23-12-14, 14:17
I never trust what they say ever. Been 3 times this week to 3 different doctors and none are concerned even though i have said i am worried about my back ache and breathless being my lung.

23-12-14, 14:38
I never trust what they say ever. Been 3 times this week to 3 different doctors and none are concerned

So you're trusting the internet as opposed to 3 educated, trained medical professionals that have in the neighborhood of 50+ years experience and have seen hundreds if not more patients?

Positive thoughts

23-12-14, 14:47
I know fishmanpa it's ridiculous. Had all my bloods done too and they were all fine but still think they are missing something.

23-12-14, 16:00
Zippy!!!!!! Yesterday you posted "I need a slap".................... so here's another one for you:doh:

23-12-14, 19:28
Ha, I like it Sarah!
Zippy, Your visiting the doctor three times is ,in my opinion your way of feeding your anxiety as you don't really seem to believe you have something seriously wrong with you. The question now is why your anxiety so hungry at the moment? I would not Google or go near another medical professional. I would try to distract myself and get on with things until this little episode passes, then in the new year you could see a doctor re your HA.:hugs:

23-12-14, 20:09
That's just it luc i do believe something is seriously wrong that's why i keep going to the doctors.

24-12-14, 12:29

24-12-14, 13:28
I know sarahH that's what i feel like myself, i get on my own nerves :blush: