View Full Version : Derealisation and Off balance

23-12-14, 14:36
Hey all,

Back AGAIN. This place has been great over the last few years since I started my on off love affair with anxiety.

I am currently having a constant feeling of being off balance and feeling uncomfortable or un easy in myself like the world looks different.

I have been feeling like this for four weeks. Apart from one couple of hour period last week when I was actually engrossed in a conversation about music and listening to it where I got home and realised I hadn't been feeling the nervous feeling and all the rest!

Before this started I felt the off balance feeling a couple of times but for I guess at that point I thought about it for a bit and then the next thing I know it's passed.

This time, after a stressful weekend I woke up with it and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. I guess that's the reason it's still there!

Also in this time I have had the odd tingles in hands and feet and sometimes, like now, my legs feel weak at the knees. Along with the odd tension headache and sore neck feeling when I roll my head around.

Lastly, breathing. I think I am shallow breathing a lot without realising it. Sometimes just as I fall to sleep I have to gasp for air and it wakes me up!

I know this is anxiety I guess but what I want to know is is there anyone else out there that has the same off balanced, wobbly, derealised thing going on. It would make me feel much better if I was sharing it!


23-12-14, 15:07
I am like it everyday,off balance,anxious and can't cocentrate. They only time it goes is if I try and keep busy .

23-12-14, 15:08
Hi Jayuk, I get weird bodily sensations from derealisation, sometimes its my legs going like jelly and me not trusting my mind to get them to walk across the road. Actually happened to me today.

23-12-14, 15:19
Thanks guys. I have my other tell tale sounds of stress and anxiety with it to where my jaw will tremble or this weird thing where when I walk down there stairs my knees shake! I always get this when anxious, I think it must be adrenaline or something like that!

Really isn't fair for everyone to have to go through this, especially at Christmas!

23-12-14, 15:22
I'm exactly the same, I'm like "where am I?", "Is this life I'm living mine?", I can't focus on anything and I'm suffering from short term memory loss. I also have terrible neck stiffness and headaches. I have shortness of breath also and I feel so tired all the time, my heart beats so fast as well. I'm experiencing these almost everyday, they are more intense when I start worrying about a symptom in my body.

23-12-14, 15:31
The off balance thing is very much me at the moment!

23-12-14, 17:24
Same here,

worse symptom for me is the off balance/lightheadedness.
Makes me frighten to go anywhere in case I collapse.
Very scary!!!

15-11-15, 23:28
I seem to have this constantly, is anyone there to talk? Be nice to speak to someone who ha the same symptoms as me x

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 12:39
Yes when my anxiety is peaking I get this and it's so awful. It makes me panic and of course that just makes it worse xxx

16-11-15, 13:53
This happens to me.
What my therapist explained to me, is that this is the blood leaving my head to go around my body to 'fight' off the perceived threat. This is a normal response to anxiety. You feel dizzy, not there, like you may lose control...

Once I understood what it was, I was more ok with it and the intensity stopped. Since being anxious about the physical symptoms was making it worse.