View Full Version : Norovirus Panic - desperate :(

23-12-14, 14:46
Hi all, I am in such a meltdown right now. I suffer with emetophobia and over the last year or so my phobia has taken a backseat with all my other problems. Normally at Christmas my anxiety is through the roof due to worry over norovirus - but last year it was fine, no worries about it, and I had a lovely Christmas. This year though, I think possibly where my other problems have come into focus, its back with a vengeance. I was doing well until my partner and I went to a friends house on Saturday and he told us that on Thursday he was off sick with a stomach bug. I instantly wanted to leave bit my OH wouldn't let me. Upon getting home I washed literally everything I had been wearing, threw out my handbag and disinfected my car. I even aggressively made my partner shower too which he wasn't happy about. I know with norovirus, if you catch it you'll get it within 48 hours - so by late last night, I knew we were in the clear.

Until today - I went over to my Dad's house to drop off some Christmas presents and be told me that over the weekend he had been suffering with sickness and diarrhoea all weekend and still wasn't feeling well today. I again, went into panic mode - got home, showered, threw my clothes in the wash and could only disinfect my bag as I don't have another one (which to be honest is destroying the hell out of me).

Side story - I have been ill this last week with a flu/cold type illness so my immunity is low as hell anyway. My OH this morning seems to have come down with it too, or so I thought. I got home and he felt achy and tired and shivery - he also has a bit of a cough too. I was in the loo washing my hands and I heard "MOVE" as he was running up the stairs. I shut myself in the bedroom and just sobbed and screamed so I couldn't hear, afterwards he told me he didn't actually throw up - he had a coughing fit and thought he was going to be sick. What worries me is that he said after he retched a few times he felt better. Ive constantly asked him if he felt sick before this happened and he said no - he didn't feel sick then and he doesn't now. He says now he just aches and feels tired but I'm paranoid that he's caught norovirus. I'm so scared I genuinely don't know what to do. I just want out of this anxiety, this phobia, all of it. I cannot cope anymore.

I don't even know why I'm posting this, I just need to vent. :(