View Full Version : Sore under armpit :(

23-12-14, 15:32
I was wondering if anyone has had this before? It's been ongoing for a good few weeks on and off but it's really starting to get annoying now!

I have had a good feel around and there are no obvious hard lumps or rashes, im overweight anyway so i do tend to have some flabby bits under my arms which i dont think are anything to worry about?!
After having a little feel around going down towards my breasts i can feel almost like tiny little nodules or grains of rice but there are loads of them, not just one lump so im hoping this is natural tissue.

It's not a sharp pain more of a burning sensation and just being uncomfortable really but i think i have made it worse by constantly checking and comparing it to my left armpit.

I don't really want to go running to the GP again, mainly because i have had ongoing issues with pelvic pain and after a clear scan i have been referred to the gyneacologist.

If anyone has any words of wisdom i would appreciate it, i have been driving myself mad thinking up the worst case scenarios!
