View Full Version : Poop thread, what does yours look like? Need HELP! please

23-12-14, 18:41

My paranoid mind is still on poop.

so just wondering, has anyone ever had a poop that is smooth on one side and then all clumply/lumpy on the other - not flat.

It looks like someones decided to carve a mountainside out on the other side of my otherwise perfectly cylindrical poop!

Anyone else?

That's all, just love some reassurance that it might be normal.

23-12-14, 19:20
Yeah probably. I don't look at it, it isn't very interesting. In fact it could be bright purple for all I know: I luxoriously wipe with a big handful of quilted Andrex which is dropped into the bog before I even get a chance to take a peep.

Though when I have had an incidental look it's ranged from tiny little wormy pieces to massive manly logs; it's been smooth, lumpy, hard, soft, solid brown or sometimes with bits in. Sometimes it smells, sometimes it doesn't. If I've had a curry the night before it burns my arse with unrelenting ferocity. I've had fooaters, ones that sink so quickly they're hidden from view and it looks like I haven't done anything. Sometimes they've been loose, giving the pan water a Nesquick quality (I wonder if that's where the makers got the idea), more often they've maintained their composition.

I just don't care, and neither should you.

Though when I've dumped a hefty load I must admit to secretly feeling a big sense of satisfaction.

23-12-14, 19:28
I have said it before and I'll say it again. Unless there is something obvious to worry about I.e blood etc. then the only time I spend time analysing poop is when it creates a toilet bowl tsunami and is something to be proud of. :).

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:26 ----------

Though when I've dumped a hefty load I must admit to secretly feeling a big sense of satisfaction.

I expected something more poetic from such a classy eloquent woman :)

23-12-14, 19:33
So you're both saying you think I spend too much time with my head down the toilet! ;)

Gawd maybe I do.....

23-12-14, 19:49

23-12-14, 19:55
I expected something more poetic from such a classy eloquent woman :)

I'll take "classy" and "eloquent", but I'm certainly not a woman!

23-12-14, 19:59
Ahhh... A Poo thread! Go figure! ~lol~

I have my trusty Bristol Stool Chart Coffee Mug to assess my poo and it typically comes in between a 1-3.

I bought the mug as a testament to those obsessed with their poo. I'm like a cat. The last thing I want to do is look, smell or anything. I want to bolt out of the bathroom as quickly as possible! ~lol~

Here's a rather amusing test (http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/how-experienced-in-pooping-are-you#.djv9L53Y9) to take in the meantime....

Positive thoughts and poo threads!

23-12-14, 20:03
I'll take "classy" and "eloquent", but I'm certainly not a woman!

Don't burst my bubble and say you are male.......it is funny isn't it that with anonymous screen names you conjure a picture of someone to the point where it becomes fact in your head :)

23-12-14, 20:12
Don't burst my bubble and say you are male.......it is funny isn't it that with anonymous screen names you conjure a picture of someone to the point where it becomes fact in your head :)

I think I'd make a good female though in all fairness. More lumps to play with among other things.

23-12-14, 20:19
well my poop was like No 4 with No 1 on the other side!

Jekyl and Hyde poop!

I would have assumed that serenity was a woman too, much like the woman out of that Rabbit animation. the blonde busty one..... not to be eh! ;)

23-12-14, 21:02
Jekyl and Hyde poop!

That one wasn't on the poop test but should be! Like the ones that start out normal and then digress into a mess! :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

24-12-14, 17:52
Here's a rather amusing test (http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/how-experienced-in-pooping-are-you#.djv9L53Y9) to take in the meantime....

Pretty pleased with my score!

You've pooped 60 out of 100 types of poop.
You’re well on your way to being a poopstar. You’ve checked off all the basics, and you’ve even dipped your toes into the bizarre. Frankly, we’re impressed by how seriously you take your excrement experiences. But there’s work still left to do. Don’t wait! Defecate!