View Full Version : Normal to see veins through skin?

23-12-14, 19:18
Hi there, this is my first post here and am very nervous about my veins. I've been suffering with health anxiety for only around 6 weeks after an eye problem. I went to my GP today with a wealth of problems that I've noticed over these past few weeks and he put it down to anxiety, the symptoms were all to broad to be something serious, from muscle twitching to tiny pinprick red spots on my skin.

After the appointment I forgot to mention about my veins, I can't get an appointment over the christmas period so thought I'd ask here. I've noticed the my veins on my left wrist are very pronounced and can see them under the skin. Occasionally they pop up like varicose veins, this also happens with the veins on my hand. I also have a vein that is visible in my left bicep, not popping out just visible on the skin. Wondering if this is normal, they look so close to the surface I'm worried to rest my arm on the desk and pop them.

Again, wondering if this is normal, thanks in advance for any responses. Also have a fear of skin cancer. Noticed a lot of freckle/moles coming up on my arms recently (I'm 18, I hear that moles/freckles do grow at this age).

23-12-14, 19:22
Yes, very normal. Especially so in blonde, blue eyed fair types. :)

23-12-14, 19:26
thanks for the response, I'm blonde and have pale skin so I guess it is, silly me!

Also thought it was attributed to high blood pressure, when i had it tested for my eye checkup it was rather high, but the nurse said it was my anxiety.

23-12-14, 19:54
I can make my veins move in my hand by moving my tendons. The stick out heaps when my hands are warm and I'm very thin and pale and blonde. Totally normal too! :)

23-12-14, 20:29
Totally normal, especially in light skinned folk. My OH has very veiny arms and wrists and he is in excellent health. It's also something that becomes more pronounced as you get older. The veins on the back of my hand are far more apparent now I'm older - prob due to the same thing that makes your skin looser as you age.

23-12-14, 20:44
Tiredness also makes veins appear more pronounced.

23-12-14, 20:54
Thanks for the responses, helped me out a great deal. Nice to know they also stick up when warm and then tired. This morning when i was in bed and noticed it when my hands were under the covers and I pulled them out, the veins would be puffed out, then when they got cooler they went down.

I also assume getting more moles and freckles on my arms is because I'm pale, blonde and fair skinned.