View Full Version : disorienartion and crazy thoughts in the night

23-12-14, 20:51
Hi all.
It's a shame we have to reach out at Christmas but anxiety stops for no one.

I've been worrying about my mind and it's racing thoughts recently.
Last night was the scariest episode. I keep waking up with intense racing thoughts - often which make no sense at all and severe disorientation.
It takes me a good while to come round and to do this I have to look round the room and name and place objects ... light, wall, blind... to know i can think coherently.
Does anyone else suffer from this? My recent anx fear is the fear of going mad and these racing mumbled jumbled thoughts aren't helping at all :(

Can anyone shed some light and tell me it's just anxiety and not me going mad or the start of schizophrenia - as my new worry was today.

Hope everyone finds some peace over christmas x

25-12-14, 15:53
Lj exactly what you describe happens to me and believe it or not last night was one of my worst episodes I have had I begged my other half to take me to a mental hospital but that's what anxiety does, it's the mind being irrational. I can confirm you are not alone and I was convinced it would be just me feeling like this over christmas.