View Full Version : So fed up now

23-12-14, 21:48
Been to the funeral of my ex father in law today I was a wreck face tingled palpitations and shakes but I calmed dwn had 2 glasses of wine in his wZke but now in bed I can't settle head hurts face tingling again n I m just so anxious I'm soo Tierd n drained of feeling like this iv done loads to snap out of it but it'd impossible . Iv been on this forum for a fee weeks now and don't seem to get many replies to help me with wat we all goin through but I hope I can tonight x

24-12-14, 06:25
I'm so sorry you feel that way. I'm new to the boards too and done some lurking around, reading other posts. And its settling to know you are not alone. I had panic attacks once before not long after my fathers passing. And now again, my moms passed not quite 2,months ago. And they've come on full force, I feel as though there's something wrong with me. You are not alone, the tingling in the arms and face......all though I've been worse. Feeling faint, nauseas, derealization, brain fog, sweating, flushed. And IM FED UP TOO!! I think people can recover from this, but I want it now.

24-12-14, 12:16
I just feel do lost worrying and stressing all the time my kids hate seeing me like this and I just want it to end my sanity I question and every lol ach or pain I think the worse I wanna be happy Shelley again not Shelley the wreck,mess,anxious person I am now 😭xxx

24-12-14, 13:07
I'm really trying the distraction technique at the moment. The worrying and slight panic is always there, at the back of my mind but I'm trying so hard not to let it come to the front! We have been watching so many films and its helping. I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, I hope you are able to distract yourself like I'm trying to do :unsure: Good luck x