View Full Version : How long would you wait?

24-12-14, 04:03
About a month ago I got a respiratory infection and have only just cleared the blocked sinuses a few days ago.

A week ago I started getting a short sharp shooting pain around the front of my ear/jaw/cheek area. No other symptoms. These pains only last a few seconds and only happen a couple of times per day randomly.

I have made an appointment with my dentist next Friday to check there is nothing going on with teeth - but the panic has set it.

Everything I have read points to a nerve disorder that affects over 50's (I am a 34 year old otherwise healthy female).

My rational side says "no other symptoms, probably residual from the sinuses OR maybe teeth - don't stress". My irrational side wants to go to a Dr to get reassurance.

How long would you deal with these symptoms before seeing a Dr?

What is a "healthy" timeframe for a wait and see approach? Obviously if other symptoms come along I would see someone, but with a bit of intermittent pain with no other symptoms - I don't want to perpetuate this anxiety anymore than I already do.

Some guidance would be very much appreciated :)

24-12-14, 20:24
Are you taking about trigeminal neuralgia? If so I have a friend who suffers from this and if you have it, you would know. When she has attacks she can't speak or move as its so painful. She is on the strongest painkillers you can take but because she's quite young they are going to operate on her next year which should completely cure it. I honestly wouldn't think it's that.

24-12-14, 21:50
I don't think it is that. These pains are way too mild and only happen once or twice per day.

I am more worried about whether this needs urgent attention or if this is safe to "wait and see".

My rationality with anything health related is non existent and I am trying not to be silly with my thinking.

26-12-14, 22:33
Your rational side makes much more sense than your anxious side. It is interesting that everything you read points to a nerve disorder, which is something I would never have considered if you hadn't written it. It sounds to me like it might just be some pain radiating from a tender jaw muscle or perhaps an nerve in one of your teeth, but I very highly doubt that it has anything to do with a nerve disorder. Whether you want to see someone urgently or 'wait and see' is entirely up to you, but it might be a good idea to stop googling in the meantime and use rational thinking to make that decision :)

26-12-14, 22:39
It sounds like sinus issues or tmj, I have both and they bother me from time to time,I would say it's fine to wait a while and see if it settles. I try to use a two week rule with myself to stop me rushing to the doctor.

27-12-14, 00:41
Thank you A and Cattia.

It has somewhat settled down. A little bit of a dull ache (barely there) next to my nose and right eye. Everything says sinus.

It's such a horrible thing HA - before I had my kids I'd have something pop up and i'd give it a month. Most times it'd be gone before then.

These days a new symptom instantly screams "terminal illness" - which is plain ridiculous.

I am starting CBT on the 8th of Jan and I am so looking forward to nailing this terrible HA to the wall.

27-12-14, 02:19
Good to hear that it isn't as prominent now. Being near your nose and eye, you are probably right, most likely sinus related or one of the 'pointy' teeth (the roots and nerves go all the way up to your nose for those teeth apparently!). Also good to hear that you are starting CBT :) It should help you manage your anxiety a great deal, just remember to practice what you learn and you will see the difference. I hope you get some relief soon!

28-12-14, 01:09
Just posting an update in case this thread appears in a search of similar symptoms.

I just saw my Dr (wasn't a planned visit, he is a family friend and dropped by for a cuppa - I took advantage :D ) and he has assured me that it is absolutely nothing sinister. He said that the pain could either be from my maxillary sinuses (an infection or irritation that isn't felt in the nose - so nose will be clear) or it could very well be trigeminal neuralgia or TMJ.

He said all are very treatable and the underlying causes wouldn't be something like a cancerous tumor (yup, thanks anxiety).

So I now have a script for an antibiotic to cover the sinusitis scenario as well as some Lyrica to block the nerve pain. He said once I've ruled out teeth and TMJ with my dentist on Friday if the antibiotics don't help then we can start down the path of nerve blockers.

He said TN is treatable - especially when caught early.

So please, if anyone has a quick sharp stabbing pain anywhere between their nose to their jaw/temple when moving their head - it doesn't mean a scary prognosis.

I was working myself into such a state thinking about MRI's, tumors, operations etc - it could just be a simple sinus infection.

Thank you for those that helped calm me over the Christmas break xxx

28-12-14, 02:12
There are other less worrying possibilities too.

If you have been suffering a lot of muscle tension in those areas or have been clenching or grinding, it could be muscular pain. There are exercises for this which your dentist can give you. So, if doesn't have to be TMJ either.

28-12-14, 04:01
You know Terry - it could very well be tension.