View Full Version : Merry Christmas and a challenge

24-12-14, 11:39
If you guys are anything like me Xmas is a time for increased HA.

For me, it is scary that the gp surgery is closed for almost a week. I hate the thought of not having that security, but most of all I am scared that I will find something to worry about that will ruin my Xmas! I had been doing pretty well up until this last two weeks. That is normal for me at this time of year.

My challenge to everyone is for two days at least, STOP. Stop those safety behaviours, stop the checking, stop the googling and stop seeking reassurance.

Again, if you are anything like me your family hasn't been getting all of your attention because you are wrapped up in your fears and checking. If you are anything like me you probably talk about your health with your family a lot. So for two days at least lets try to be fully in the moment with our loved ones. Bury yourselves in movies, cooking, anything to keep your mind busy but which involves spending time with the family.

Last year my three kids from my first marriage lost their father just before xmas. Xmas was horrible and we will miss him again this year, but he had one last wish before he died, and that was to see his kids smile on Xmas day. Sadly he didn't get that wish but here was a man who truly was dying who dealt with it with such bravery and grace, instead of feeling fear around Xmas and being depressed because he was dying he simply only wanted one last Xmas with his children and family because he knew that it is the most important thing in life. He wasn't sitting there crying, checking his body for more deteriorating, googling for the end of life signs, obsessing, crying or anything, he just wanted one last Xmas.

So in his memory I will be giving our kids the best xmas ever, because if he was prepared to do the same knowing he had days to live, I can do it when I am actually not dying.

I hope you all join me and if things get hard please post here for support and encouragement.

---------- Post added at 11:39 ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 ----------

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Oh well.. I am often invisible here :D

24-12-14, 12:06
I accept your challenge and will do my best :)

24-12-14, 12:20
I too accept and Merry Christmas. :)

24-12-14, 12:22
I also will try my best. thank you for your post.
Love an best wishes to you and your family:)xx

24-12-14, 13:53
Thank you for such a positive and uplifting post. I am having a difficult time with it today, but have promised to throw myself into Christmas preparations, cooking, tidying etc... then a few drinks and a film on the sofa with my fella tonight :)

I accept this challenge, I just told my fella that tomorrow and boxing day I will NOT be Googling/checking or asking for any kind of reassurance. I will not be talking about my millions of health issues/worries.

Instead I will focus on having a wonderful Christmas with my beautiful family.

That's not to say though, that I know many of us are going to find tomorrow tough and some people will just want the day to be over and done with and I totally understand that.

Coming to this forum has helped me so, so much. Thank you all for helping me and wishing all of you a peaceful and calm Christmas

Love Snowflake xxx

24-12-14, 14:01
Have just posted my fears about Christmas before I read this. I really will try.x

24-12-14, 14:22
I very worthwhile challenge that we should all aim for. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Xmas :)

24-12-14, 15:00
This is an important challenge and one that will be so so beneficial in the long run. Speaking from experience of going from an obsessional checker to almost normal in a few months. :hugs: We can all do it. Merry Christmas everybody.

24-12-14, 15:50
I haven't checked.

Have been to the toilet a few times, might be anxiety or a dodgy stomach, hopefully just anxiety.

I have wanted to check but have refrained. Thank you for joining me.

24-12-14, 16:33
Christmas makes my anxiety a lot worse for some reason, maybe it's cause of all the stress but I always feel on edge all the time, must be something in the air, my stomaches been all dogdy all bubly too

I accept the challenge of trying I forget this anxiety and not be a burden to anyone.

24-12-14, 19:05
Done my monthly self checking.

I was at the walk in centre two years ago because of my abdominal pain. About 2004/2005 I had to see a dentist over Christmas because I thought I was having problems with my teeth it was my sinuses, even though I do see a dentist every three months.

Just getting over the bug which been going around this cold and coughing one.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube etc need a break as well.

25-12-14, 03:01
Thanks for the wonderful post and reminder. Will do better tomorrow!

29-12-14, 06:01
Merry Christmas to all