View Full Version : Lack of sleep and Vertigo

24-12-14, 10:37
Anyone ever experienced Vertigo when not sleeping properly and I also find that tears can bring it on. Im sure I have some Sinus issue running alongside the shoulder/neck tension too as I now and then get a pain behind left eye and sinus area feels bit of pressure.
When I say vertigo its not the complete spin but more a feeling of falling/being pulled sidewards/ backwards and you instinctively try to grab on to something until the feeling stops..

29-12-14, 06:03
Yes I have faced this problem, but it is not due to lack of sleep some other factor do cause this problem too

29-12-14, 17:40
I have this on and off. It seems to affect me more when I'm tired, like before bed late at night and sometimes right when I wake up and start to get out of bed. I always have sinus issues... always. I have had minor surgery on my nose so that stays pretty clear, but I still have a little sinus pressure here and there and sometimes my ears feel a little congested. I'm not sure if the two things are correlated as honestly I don't know what having clear sinuses even feels like. I used to take every allergy medicine ever made (not at the same time, but tried everything) and the pills didn't do much. Zyrtec seemed to help the most, but I found that I'd fall asleep sitting in my chair in the middle of the day while taking that stuff. That's what keeps me from trying it again... the worry that I might get woozy or sleepy midday.

Also I have been getting back and neck tension. I saw a chiropractor a couple times for it but he only added to my anxiety by telling me my spine had all kinds of issues. I know of a couple actual issues with my spine but a lot of it was him trying to convince me to spend $1000.... He did say I was clearly carrying all my stress in my upper back/neck. I have a bit less tension and pain in my back now that I got a better desk chair. I spend a lot of time at the computer and I had been using this horrible cheap chair that felt like a rod up my butt... haha! Having a good chair to sit in makes a LOT of difference in how your back feels!

Here's one other thing that helps my back sometimes when I'm having back issues. I threw out my back pretty bad when pregnant so I saw everyone from doctor to chiropractor to physical therapist. The best thing for me was strengthening the muscles in my back and core and stretching them daily. Chiropractor did nothing but crackle some things and make me feel maybe a little bit more relaxed in my back muscles. So now what I do is I put two tennis balls in a sock, tie the end, put that on the floor, lay with my back on the balls with my spine being between the two balls, and push off with my feet, rolling the balls down my spine. It sounds weird but it sort of lengthens it all out and straightens everything. Then for overall strength and support I do plank poses, gradually increasing the amount of time in the plank poses. For stretches I just do cat stretches and then arm and shoulder stretches.

I still have some issues with this probably because of anxiety. I'm usually fine but anxiety has kind of flared things up again. I'm also super inactive and I think that has made things worse.

29-12-14, 18:58
Yoyu explained that perfectly blondielady,thankyou. For me its when sometimes turning in bed and when getting out of bed.I have to move very slowly as if muscles are coming back online.

29-12-14, 19:02
Do you ever feel off-balance with a feeling almost like maybe your muscles are just weak and you can't maintain posture correctly? I'm starting to wonder if that is my problem. I used to work out a lot but I haven't for at least 6 months now and I'm pretty sedentary. I look at my legs and they just look kind of flabby and weak to me (always used to have very toned legs). I notice sometimes like if I'm bending a certain way reaching for something like I can't balance as well or maintain that posture. I know that ear issues can cause things like this, but so can being out of shape. I know whenever I start a new workout program I have a hard time doing anything that requires balance but it gets better over the course of the program.

30-12-14, 19:16
I do get similar at times yes. Its strange but when my sciatic nerve is playing up it seems to throw me off balance.I also get a feel like muscle in shoulder gone to sleep and makes me spacey. Is this what you mean ?