View Full Version : Are these red dots normal?

24-12-14, 11:39
Hi again, I've noticed these red spots on my arms, I've only noticed them recently so they could have been there all my life, however more and more seem to crop up every day. They are tiny pin prick dots that don't blanch when touched, some feel raised whereas others do not. I have lots on my arms, one on my forehead and some on my torso.

I went to my doctor and he said they seem harmless but keep an eye on them. Just looking for other people who have the same. I thought they were petechiae but my doc said they were fat too small.

If you can't tell from the poor picture, they are blood red in colour.

Thanks in advance for any help :)

24-12-14, 14:58
I've had lots of these for most of my life. Some last years and then disappear. I had one under my eye when I was in primary school and always remember it because we were drawing self portraits in class and I added it. :D

24-12-14, 15:21
I've had lots of these for most of my life. Some last years and then disappear. I had one under my eye when I was in primary school and always remember it because we were drawing self portraits in class and I added it. :D

Thanks for the response, glad other people have them and they're just normal. Was a bit worried when I first noticed them as more have appeared since I have.

Thanks again for the response, put my mind at ease :)

24-12-14, 15:27
I have loads of these on my arms and thighs. They have been there my whole life but got really flared up recently to the point where I went to the doctor and had bloods done and it set off my HA. My dermatologist told me they are common in fair skinned people and can flare up if we get a virus or are highly stressed. She said they are definitely not a sign of the blood cancers though and mine look just like your picture. Blood cancers are my biggest fear by the way.

24-12-14, 15:54
Oh I am covered in them, so is my husband and my kids and mum.

My ex husband died of blood cancer and let me tell you, the type of red spots you get are nothing like the ones pictured, not even a little bit close.

24-12-14, 16:06
Thanks for the replies, sorry for your loss Hypo. Glad they're totally normal, and yeah for the last 6 weeks I've been more anxious than I have in my life, so I can see why they'd be flaring up if they're related to this.

25-12-14, 00:32
Thanks for the response, glad other people have them and they're just normal. Was a bit worried when I first noticed them as more have appeared since I have.

Thanks again for the response, put my mind at ease :)

You're so welcome. Funnily enough even though I've had them my entire life, when my HA was at it's worst, I was worrying about them too. xx

25-12-14, 10:05
Hypo I too have very small red blood dots coming up all over my body some parts of m body have more for example my torso but after reading everyone's posts it does seem that they can be related to stress, my anxiety has increasingly got worse and the worse it gets the more dots I seem to notice. I even went to a and e thinking it was menigitis and the doctor told me it was nothing and not to worry. Easier said than done with me at the moment.

I am making myself sicker the more I worry about things

25-12-14, 11:05
I'm pretty sure it is cherry Angioma and completely harmless. I found myself at the doctors last year worried about mine, I was told they are common, although I never had them beforehand. Got quite a few now but they no longer phase me. Mine don't blanch either.

26-12-14, 22:18
Sounds like mine! I'm not sure if they are the same, but I'll give you some info in case they are. I have a lot of the little dots that look like tiny blood spots - mostly on my chest and arms, but some on my thighs as well. I don't know if they were always there or just magically appeared, but one day I just noticed them (about a year ago) and they've been with me since. I've had blood tests to check out whether it was anything serious (because I have a lot, and my blood doesn't clot very quickly), but all of my tests have come back normal :) I even saw a dermatologist recently who said they were something called 'benign telangiectasia', and said there was no need to investigate further. I'm not sure whether they could be stress related or not - I haven't suffered from anxiety for a few years now - but I've been told that they are quite common. Sometimes they can form into lines or 'tangles', but mostly they just appear as little tiny dots.