View Full Version : Appendicitis fear

24-12-14, 23:00
This is a classic post, I am petrified I have something seriously wrong with my appendix and that the doctors are not picking up on it.

2 weeks ago, I had stomach pain on my right hand side (following 2 weeks of severe anxiety and panic attacks prior to the pain, I add.)

I was sent to a&e (to rule out appendictis), they sent me home with some painkillers and not much else. They told me it was not my appendix.

I still felt bad 1 week later and went back to a&e. Again, was told it was no a surgical problem after bloods, urine and stool all clear. I also had a pelvic ultrasound and all clear (I do have polycystic ovaries, thoughm i found out.) I still don't believe that there is not something else wrong, though. I have been to 3 different doctors and they all say it's not my appendix. I went for an x-ray today - I have to wait a week for the result. I don't believe anyone and now I have muscle aches and pains almost up and down my entire right side. Is this just stress related muscle aches? I have tremors all day and I am having 1-2 panic attacks daily at the moment too, so I am constantly tensing my muscles (especially in my stomach and subconsciously on my right side.)

I've now also become obsessed with checking my temperature, which isn't helping, although it's usually totally normal.

Just need some reassurance - waiting for my x-ray result is like hell. Anyone else suffered symptoms of pain on the right side/back etc?xx

25-12-14, 01:23

Well, you have had a fair few tests and exams, and they would have shown up an inflamed appendix. That is a given. If they had any doubt they would have kept you in for observation. Appendixes are not pleasant when inflamed. They are very painful and get increasingly so. If it was your appendix, you would know it by now.

If you are eating, drinking, not vomiting, no diarhoea, normal temperature, and in no intense abdominal pain, that too says it is not your appendix.

It sounds like anxiety related to me. It could well be symptoms of IBS, which is directly related to anxiety and stress. It could - as you say - be from holding yourself tensely, especially on the right side of your body, as you will be subconsciously holding yourself tense to 'guard' against the pain you have felt. It is truly amazing how anxiety can create these aches and pains and freak us out.

It could of course be related to your polycystic ovaries. I also have polycystic ovaries, and I often have low right side or left side abdo pains, around about the ovary areas. This can also relate to where you are in your cycle, as around ovulation these pains may flare up on one or the other side. I have also suffered from left sided pain, which I freaked out about thinking it was heart related, but in the end it was just pure anxiety and tension causing it. Once I relaxed and calmed down, it went.

You must try to trust what the doctors have told you. They see inflamed appendixes on a daily basis....loads of them. You have had a lot of clear tests.

Try if you can to draw your mind away from that worry and relax. A heat pad or hot water bottle will help with your muscle aches and pains. I found a pad really helpful with my pains.x

25-12-14, 09:04
Thankyou xx

25-12-14, 09:51
Dear Katki

Reading your post I understand exactly how you feel I have been in pain for the last 18 months I did end up in hospital and was diagnosed with IBD however the inflammation in my bowel has significantly reduced but my anxiety is currently crippling me. I sleep for a few hours each night, I can hardly eat. Last night I got bitten six or seven times on my arm and I was convinced I was dying and I thought about calling the emergency services to get a paramedic to look over me. It's so hard getting this under control but finding this website is helping to calm me as I am now seeing I a not alone and there are other people other there who feel the same as me. I think talking to people will help to keep your mind focused.

Have you thought about what triggered your anxiety in the first place? Do you do any calming/relaxing techniques.

I don't want to patronise you and tell you everything will be okay as I know how much that frustrates me when I hear it, so I will just say to you do at least 1 thing today that will distract your mind.

Good luck


25-12-14, 15:57
Hi Laura

Merry xmas. This site makes me feel much more relaxed too. I normally take a hot bath and send some messages to friends, watch a movie. For me, this time is the worst (around 4pm) as I start worrying why I haven't felt bad yet! then I start to panic. But I've been OK today, sitting here writing I'm feeling pretty normal and am having a nice day. Don't think I can face any turkey though!!:lac:

25-12-14, 16:20
Hi, merry x,pumas to you too my dear. I hate the fact my anxiety has got the better of me today but I hold on to hope and tomorrow is another day. Between 2 and 3am is always the worst time for me. I'm not all that hungry either but the turkey may do you dome good. How long have you suffered with health anxiety and does it ever get any easier

---------- Post added at 16:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

Hi, merry xmas to you too my dear. I hate the fact my anxiety has got the better of me today but I hold on to hope and tomorrow is another day. Between 2 and 3am is always the worst time for me. I'm not all that hungry either but the turkey may do you dome good. How long have you suffered with health anxiety and does it ever get any easier

25-12-14, 21:36
I've had it on and off for a really long time, have had a fear of being sick since I was really little, 6 or 7. I come from a Mother who also suffers with health anxiety and has believed and told me she has numerous serious illnesses over the years, warme me constantly about stomach bugs and food which is not prepared correctly that will make you vomit. This is where mine stems from. I also, unfortunately, have a job with a lady who is extremely neurotic about her health and has lost family members to cancer. She talks about it every day, it is not good for me mentally. If I wasn't surrounded by this, I may be better. I lived in Japan for a year and never worried about my health, actually.

For me, I am fine for years and then suddenly something can trigger it off. I've been fine since 2010 and sadly have gotten into a state over the past month.... :( I am gradually getting better, though.

You can't underestimate the power of suggestion!

25-12-14, 21:47
So it is possible to have a life without Health Anxiety.

Suggestion, mediated and google is powerful

25-12-14, 22:02
Of course it is possible. Fear triggers fear, so once you can control and lessen the fear you have as much as possible, you will feel better!!xx

p.s. don't google anything!!! x

26-12-14, 00:54
It's good to heat from other people who have been in a similar situation to mine, I am guilty of self diagnosis through google search and I must get out of the habit of doing it.

I do hope you have people around you who can support you x

03-01-15, 23:18
want to update that I have now been ''diagnosed'' with IBS after a short hospital stay. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=164018