View Full Version : Overload!

08-01-07, 14:49
I have not had the greatest few months. First, I had an endoscopy because I was having a lot of heartburn and thought it may be an ulcer… Turned out no ulcer, but inflammation – they gave me Losec and it is helping a lot. But they made what they called “an accidental discovery” while they were in there – 10 polyps in my stomach, which they removed! Thankfully, they turned out to be a harmless variety... But they want me to do a colonoscopy to make sure everything is ok there too… I have not scheduled that yet.

Then, I got a UTI and had to go on antibiotics for a week :p

Then, I caught a baaaaad flu and got well and then had a sinus infection!

Then I had a bout of food poisoning.

All this in the past 2 months!!! A health anxiety sufferer’s worst nightmare!

Plus I have a lump on my lower back near my spine… Have had it for a couple of years but it is growing… I do not think it is serious, but should and will get it removed. (Another thing on my ever growing, never decreasing to do list!)

Now I had mid cycle spotting (which I never get) and I freaked out. I know it is considered normal, but when it has not happened before, it is scary. I am probably over anxious because I have a gyno check up on Friday… It is my last 6 month check after having a LEEP procedure done for cervical changes a couple of years ago. If it is normal I can go back to annual smears. I am glad I have the check up as I can ask my doc about this bleeding too. (Question to female health anxiety sufferers: Do you get very anxious over symptoms, etc. ‘down there’?! I panic over every little thing!)

Just needed to vent as I have just been feeling overwhelmed by all this stuff. Trying to stay even keel and not panic or let my mind run away with all the “possibilities!”

I want my test results to come back normal! And I want to have a healthy year!!!

08-01-07, 15:11
Phew...thats alot for anyone to deal with.

I hope everything turns out okay :)

Sarah x

08-01-07, 17:32
Blimey. What a lot to deal with. I am not surprised you are feeling overwhelmed. Trying not to panic and jump to the wrong conlusions is so hard but stay positive and I'm sure everything will be ok. Best wishes.

08-01-07, 22:51
i sooooo understand what you are going through!!!!
tha last year has been a total nightmare for me...it began jan last year- i got a stomach infection that lasted 2 months...then 3 months later i got a middle ear infection that lasted for 3 weeks, 1 day after that healed i got a throat infection that has mutated into a throat stress lump..that has lasted 4 months, it started healing last week, also, i have ibs and one morning when i went to the loo i had a lot of blood -turned out to be tear-which is common for ibs ppl, but id never had that b4, and frankly it scared the life outta me,and now it seems i got another throat infection again now..lump gone, but throat is sore, and i dont feel well..also, i too have just had 3 days of mid cycle spotting, and thats never happened to me b4 either!!! i read too that its harmless, and i have just started the pill last month..but i tell you, i too am at my whits end...i have not cried so much as i have done last year....im just praying that it will all end soon and ill get to sample what healthy feels like again...i NEVER got sick before this last year, definatly not like this...
my heart goes out to you...i hope your run of ill luck has passed for you..
take care..

09-01-07, 00:49
Well it must of been the year for everything.

I had a sinus infections, constant headaches and pressure in y face an head from January 06 up until July 06 when I had a sinus operation. Two weeks after the operation I developed an infection that went on for two weeks until they fed me up on antibiotics.

April last year I also had a mini tummy tuck. It was after this that I developed health anxiety.

June last year I had a bowel scan as I had blood in the stools turned out to be piles that I had banded off when I had the scan.

Went to the doctor the other day as I found a lump on the inside near the vagina and it was sore. He thought to begin with that it may be genital herpes but I wasn't convinced so I went back again and he said that I have a cyst and if antibiotics wont clear it up then I will have to have surgery.

On top of all this I get positional vertigo that comes and goes.

So I am hoping this year is better.

Good luck to you Lola. I hope everything goes well.

14-01-07, 11:10
Sarah and LT - Thanks for your messages... Yes, it has been a heck of a few months!

Peach - You have had a very hard time too! I hope you are feeling better and that 2007 brings nothing but joy and good health your way!

Debstar - You have had quite a time as well! I truly hope 2007 is a better year for us all... Let's all stay optimistic :)

I had my gyno check... Doc said everything looked fine... Could not find explanation to post coital bleeding - said it must be related to my cycle. I get my smear results in a few days and I am a little nervous but trying not to think about it. [:P]
He also looked at my back and said the lump is benign, but that I should get a really good plastic surgeon to drain it as it could leave a scar. My doctor is so patient and lets me ask a zillion questions!! But he is here in the UK (I am here on a visit right now) and I am currently living overseas where I have not been able to find a gyno I trust as much. I think that also amplifies my anxiety. Anyway... Hope all my results come back ok :)

23-01-07, 15:34
My results came back normal! :) I am thrilled (and ignoring the little voice that keeps second guessing what the doctor said or did not say at the consultation!!!) [:P]

23-01-07, 16:04
That's great news. You must be so relieved.

Love JO x

23-01-07, 16:45
Well done for ignoring the voice, hope things look up for you now. x


24-01-07, 03:18
yay lola,
good for you , that is awsome news!!!
i know that when it rains, it pours, but surely even the rain must stop some time soon?!
i really hope 2007 is a great year for you too, and that you stay healthy for a long time now, as you surely deserve it!

btw: i got 5 days of healed throat, then another throat infection hit me...its been 3 weeks, and tho im still coughing a little at night, i dont feel so infected now, and am almost normal..lol, whatever that is...
even managed to stay away from the docs this time, without too much anx either..well, maybe a little...
take care!