View Full Version : Hit head when drunk last Friday..am i ok?

25-12-14, 17:10
One of my very first fears when I noticed health anxiety around 10 years ago was having a brain aneurysm. Last Friday i hit my head off a metal pole while drunk. I suffered no loss of consciousness or anything but i'm worried as I still have still got a headache from the incident. It's the kind of headache that hurts when I move or bend down or cough.

I went to ER on Tuesday and the doctor conducted a thorough neurological exam and said I was fine, there was no need for a CT. Last night I drank really heavily and woke up vomiting but my stupid health anxiety started making a connection between the vomiting and my bang on the head. I'm not looking for a diagnosis but I just want to know does this sound like anything to worry about? The doc in ER gave me a leaflet about post concussion syndrome when I left and it said headache was a symptom for weeks after a bang on the head but hmm I dunno.

25-12-14, 19:04
Your head hurts when you bend down or cough because it's tender where you hit it. So no problem there.

You vomited because you were really drunk the night before, which we've all done, definitely nothing abnormal there either.

I had numerous bad falls from horses when I was younger and had concussion a good few times, the symptoms of that can be quite horrid so If you felt well enough to go out drinking after your knock I would say it's nothing to worry about, just sore from bruising.

Put some ice on it!! It definitely doesn't sound like anything sinister at all to me. Think of it this way - if you banged your elbow would you be as worried? I know it's your head and your brain is in there doing it's anxious thing, but your skull is amazing and can withstand A LOT, remember, probably more than your elbow!

25-12-14, 19:06
Last Friday i hit my head off a metal pole while drunk. I suffered no loss of consciousness or anything but i'm worried as I still have still got a headache from the incident. It's the kind of headache that hurts when I move or bend down or cough.... Last night I drank really heavily and woke up vomiting

If anything, I'm more concerned with the drinking behavior. It's a known fact that drinking and anxiety don't mix. I would really lay off the sauce!

Positive thoughts

25-12-14, 19:29
If anything, I'm more concerned with the drinking behavior. It's a known fact that drinking and anxiety don't mix. I would really lay off the sauce!

Positive thoughts

You're very right, I need to lay off it. Alcohol makes my anxiety 1000x worse the next day. Problem is, my social life revolves around it. Hopefully in 2015 I can get some social hobbies that don't include alcohol. But it's all people my age seem to wanna do is drink

25-12-14, 23:47
The problem with booze is that depression/anxiety sufferers think it will help relax them/make them feel better, but in actuality, alcohol is a depressant, so will just make things worse.

As far as the head injury goes, if all was well a few hours after the injury, then you will not be unwell now from it, bar the headache you feel from the bump, which is totally normal. Vomiting, sleepiness, severe headache would show up way earlier than now if you had pressure inside the head from a bleed, so worry not. :)