View Full Version : my problems

25-12-14, 20:50
ok ive posted a lot lately and my life is in a right mess at the moment I cant even leave the house without fear! my HA is at an all time high so ive been back on 100mg sertraline for 3 weeks now! stopped them on my own for 3 months! so im going to list whats going on with me at the moment. and the last few months when ive been doing 60+70 hour weeks on my feet at work under a lot of stress sometimes!

2 months now loss of appetite and I use to be a massive eater!

weight loss about a stone in weight but was drinking a lot of guiness and stopped and also litres of diet pepsi a day!

I got dizzy and breathless again not all the time just sometimes.

ache in mid back feels like a knot but cant really feel anything again its not there at this moment in time but is sometimes!

lower back ache round hips when I bend down or sit in a funny way have been told I have sciatica years ago!

stomach is not great the burping and wind has stopped and stools were pretty normal till today but light brown don't know if that's normal or not never really looked at my poop till this started have been told I have ibs but don't really get stomach pain just discomfort!like I cant rest stuff on my stomach if you know what I mean!

I feel very tired and don't seem to be able to stay up as late as I once did when I was working been signed of sick at the moment I was working 13 hour days on 5-6 hours sleep I do sleep walk so would wake up now and again breathless and scared! and noticed my legs were starting to ache a lot but I was on them all day!

at the moment I feel a lot of fatigue and I have funny feelings in my arms and legs like zaps now and again and then feel heavy and weak even though I can still lift stuff with them its more of a zap/dull ache!

and ive lost all instrest in stuff I use to like I no longer drink diet pepsi or beer I did have four pints last night and felt like death today! but I didn't enjoy them! so im stopping! I do smoke about 20 a day but am stopping at the moment have smoked maybe 10 years but not always 20! im 26 years old by the way 6 foot tall 14.30 stone.

in two weeks ive seen 7 doctors including one that's known me for 7 years and said ive been though this before but I have different things going on now! he sent me for a full blood test with liver imflamation markers ext all came back clear hes checked my lungs and said they was clear and my stomach and said there was no swelling and no blood in my poop and said hes not going to send me for scans because he feels I don't need them!

what im trying to say is can HA really be this bad or am Ill and the doctors don't listen to me because of all this!

thanks for reading


merry xmas:)

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

I think I have cancer every day ive moved from one to the other and now I think its spread round my body!

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

scares me no one ever replys to my posts makes me feel like I am really ill :(

25-12-14, 21:08
Luke, respectfully, I've posted here and received only one reply. Some posts get 0. This is a forum of people with health anxiety one symptom includes "seeking reassurance". Some aren't in a place to offer that support.

If you had these symptoms without any further testing I'd advise you to see your dr.

Your dr has been thorough and ran good baseline tests that ALL came back normal. Further scans are not warranted at this point because of cost. Plus, your dr has nothing to refer you on.

What would happen if you have the scan you want and it comes out negative? What then? You'd feel better for a short amount of time and then another symptom or fear would plague you and so the cycle continues.

Luke what you need is to try and trust what it is your dr is telling you :) he hasn't said "oh it's anxiety" he has run tests and ruled out anything.

If cancer were running through your body I guarantee those tests would not be normal.

Aside from medication you need a psychological plan. CBT is supposed to be amazing for HA (I start on the 8th of Jan)

Stop listening to media for a while. Begin to meditate or try relaxation.

Your symptoms are very much anxiety symptoms. Your body is in a fight/flight mode and you are tense. This is what is driving your symptoms - not cancer.

Try to relax today. Download some meditations and make rhis your priority.

25-12-14, 21:25
its this restless leg feeling im getting its none stop im lay down now and it feels like my legs are being zapped by a dull ache

25-12-14, 22:04
Sertraline (Zoloft) and other SSRIs can exasperate RLS. You've only been taking it for 3 weeks so your body is still adjusting and side effects can and do happen during the ramp up period.

As mummato2 said, there is no medical reason for the symptoms you're experiencing. That leaves your mind and the dragon messing with you. Stay away from the soda and alcohol (especially since you're on meds!), log off and find some ways to distract yourself. In fact, why not download the free CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665)course offered here and work on yourself.

Positive thoughts

25-12-14, 22:08
how long can an appetite take to come back though that's been gone from before I started the meds? im giving up beer now I just don't enjoy it anymore and tha worrys me because I use to love a good drink and not drank diet pepsi for going on a month now :) I seem to have no taste for anythink so just drinking water but im never thirsty?

25-12-14, 23:34
Giving up beer and Pepsi does wonders for weight loss. Boring fact but the guy who was Starlord in guardians of the galaxy used to be tubby and along with his exercise regime a big part of losing all the weight was giving up both those things. It's good for the soul and can explain weightloss.

I lost my appetite when my HA first started too. Poop is normal in a lot of shades, try not to get into a habit of checking it cos it'll exacerbate everything. Light brown is a really good colour. Hopefully this helps a bit.

25-12-14, 23:40
the poop part has eased my worry on that its just ive had the restless leg and arm feeling like there weak but there not and my lower back is acheing