View Full Version : Some positivity to cheer you up

25-12-14, 21:52
I just want to give a little bit of hope to everyone out there today!

I have been having between 1-3 panic attacks daily for the past 5 weeks. It has been tiring, as having to hold down a full time job and explain to people I hardly know why I need to run out of the office has been...difficult.

I have severe health anxiety and stomach cramps triggered this and caused me to have my first panic attack in years, just before last month. It has been a very difficult time, I have felt like I've been living outside my own body, waiting for the seconds, minutes and hours to pass until I make it safely to the next day.

My theory is (and this is only trying to evoke positivity, I know everyone is different and some people may find it harder than others) if you are intelligent enough to question your mental state, your sanity, your health, your feelings and emotions and your general well being, come online and discuss those feeling bravely and openly, you are strong enough to focus your mind and turn your life around. Through simple relaxation techniques like positive thinking, affirmations (as ridiculous as they seem), talking to family and friends and reassuring myself that I'm here, I'm ok and my life is not infact terrible and doomed, I can gradually feel myself getting better, and this is the first day I have not had a panic attack in 5 weeks. Don't get me wrong, it has not been easy, but I can feel a small change happening.

Again, I know I'm not a chronic sufferer but I know that if you can think deeply about panic you can also train your mind to think deeply about positivity and relaxation.

Challenge your thoughts and believe in your ability to control your own mind, it is your mind, after all. If you have the brainpower to control your thoughts to the extent that you panic, you can control them in the opposite way. I truly believe that anything is possible, the human body is amazing and it is as easy to feel great and maintain it as it is to feel terrible. It takes hard work to get there but it is possible. Always hold on to that thought and never give up!


26-12-14, 06:31
Thank you for that wonderful post. I personally completely agree with the minds power. I'm sure everyone here knows that one single thought can trigger one of bodies most extreme physical states (panic). How could it be that powerful and we can't use it to our own advantage?

26-12-14, 12:02
Sadly I'm not as good today as I was yesterday, but today it's more depression, I haven't had a panic attack yet.

I'm trying to be positive, though, and I'm sure I'll feel better by the end of the day :)

26-12-14, 16:54
Thank you so much for your post. I have actually realised that my own thoughts is what brings on the panic and anxiety and that I can definitely make them go away or at the very least manage them. I know that my mind plays a huge role and I'm trying very hard to start thinking positive and reassuring myself that it is only anxiety and that I'm not dying.

26-12-14, 19:28
Sadly I'm not as good today as I was yesterday, but today it's more depression, I haven't had a panic attack yet.

I'm trying to be positive, though, and I'm sure I'll feel better by the end of the day :)

Anxiety is like a yo yo for me too! Keep at it.

Penny Flynn
26-12-14, 19:38
Thanks for this. I am just coming down from a panic attack and it's really helpful to read positive posts like yours.

26-12-14, 20:07
Unfortunately, I have also had quite a bad day today despite my good day yesterday. That's just the way it goes, though, isn't it?

I'm reading some self help books now, which is working quite well actually. It's obviously not getting rid of the illusive aches and pains I have, but it is teaching me to accept them for what they are and that, infact, nothing bad is happening at this present moment, so relax. We should all think that when we're feeling down!