View Full Version : Something positive...

26-12-14, 10:42
Hi all

I hope everyone had a good Christmas yesterday and managed to find some peace and comfort. I had an exceptionally good day and feel ok today too, following on from a 2 week severe anxiety flare up I don't want to count my chickens before the hatch but I am so thankful for this respite!

Anyway, I wanted to share something that a friend of mine who has recovered from health anxiety told me. I was messaging her a couple of days ago when my anxiety had peaked and she messaged back and said a huge part of her recovery was the notion that if she did have some terrible life threatening illness, nothing could be a bad as feeling the way she did with the health anxiety and that was her turning point.

I just thought it was a really interesting way of looking at it and it has really struck a chord with me.

Just a bit of positivity :)