View Full Version : Stabbing pain in right side of throat

26-12-14, 14:58
Two days ago, I woke up around 5 am with a horrible pain on my left arm, it was 5-10 cm above my wrist and it was like a sharp pain that comes and goes in seconds. It scared me a lot as I thought it was bone cancer, so I couldn't go back to sleep. I went to toilet to look at my arm if it's swollen and I just found a little red dot on my arm.

I went back to bed and shortly after that this sharp, stabbing pain started on right side of my throat. The pain was very bad, it's like I was being stabbed in the throat or something. Again, it was like pain for 2 seconds and than nothing for about 30 seconds and than another sharp pain. I don't know what it is but 2 days before this pain started I looked down my throat and poked my tonsil with ear buds as I thought I saw tonsil stones. Both pains are gone today but I'm scared they might come back.

I also have a very stiff neck, back of my neck hurts almost everyday and it gives me headaches. Has anyone had anything similar?

26-12-14, 17:18
I had this before, I still don't know what the cause was but I remember experiencing it at the height of my HA when I had neck/shoulder pain and a sore throat respectively. I was so convinced it was some thing terrible, I was also sure the aches would never go. I still have trouble with my neck but I've noticed it's exacerbated by panic and worry. What I can say though is I don't have the pain every day anymore and combating the anxiety was essential. I really really was convinced it wouldn't hurt again. Most of it started ceasing when something happened in my life that completely turned everything on its head but also when I started to get focused on my video games again. It's cause we're so tuned in to everything. When I had that sharp pain I thought the first time I got it that it might be some metal in my throat or a loose bone. Hope this helps somewhat xx

26-12-14, 17:35
I have something similar - especially at night. I sometimes get stabbing pains in one of my fingers or my hip or my leg. they are quite intense and sharp like only lasting a second and then repeat every 10 seconds or so. I have no idea what they are but I too went through the bone cancer thought and was waiting for each new pain. I also went through some leg twitching/jerking stuff too/ I think it was all stress. mentioned it to doctor who was not in least bit concerned. x

27-12-14, 03:03
Thank so much for your replies guys.I hope they're al anxiety related an nothing serious. Both pains were horrible hope they don't come back. X

27-12-14, 06:53
Hi there

I had something where it felt like a sharp stabbing pain in my throat and I could feel a lump when I swallowed. Went to the Dr and he said it is something called globus that is related to anxiety and it just went away by itself.

Hope it eases off soon x

27-12-14, 11:32
Hi Snowflake, I have globus, I feel like there's a phlegm like lump in my throat saw an Ent specislist he said my jaw and neck are too tight but I haven't had this stabbing pain before. The lump comes and goes but this pain is new, haven't happened since that night though. Thank you, hope you're ok x

27-12-14, 12:14
Anxiety can do funny things to our bodies. Perhaps it is to do with shoulder tension? I get awfully tense shoulders and they make different parts of my head and neck hurt and sometimes the back of my head feels bruised cause of it.

I know pains you haven't had before are really scary so fingers crossed it is gone now and was just one of those strange one-offs. Sometimes I get the odd funny little shooting pains in strange places (vagina of all places being one of them lol!) but they are really rare and literally last a second or two. It is scary though when it happens!

Take care xx