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26-12-14, 15:56
so I was sat in bed feeling like my life was ending and ive not got long left felt weak and tired and fatigue! anyhway I thought sod this im going to try something out so I got my trainers on and did a 2 mile run something I have not done for many years and I smoke which im cutting down day by day anyway so I got back to the house and little tired and acheing but no coughing or real breathless which make me feel a tad better as I think I have lung cancer atm! anyway my head feels a bit clearer but dam dose my body ache!

26-12-14, 18:44
hi lukeneal26 well done for getting up and out and exercise is really good it can help you loads .Can I ask what reason have you to think you have lung cancer ? Symptoms or just horrible anxiety playing with your head xx

26-12-14, 21:45
Running did me a world of good at the start of the year when I had a serious flare of HA. I had to stop at the end of september because of a jaw injury, had to quit any kind of exercise that involved running actually, so I mostly stayed at home. And what do you know, my HA came back with a vengeance. I'm noticing my new symptoms daily, some old ones are appearing again, and my overall view has turned to the more negative spectrum once again.

So yeah, keep running, take it slow though, to avoid injury which tends to happen when you start rigorous exercise (like running) from scratch.

26-12-14, 21:50
Hey well done mate I used to run many yrs ago and it allways took my panick attacks off I can't run much now days I do jog for 10 mins on the running machines but that kills me iv packed up smoking about a yr ago but I don't feel better for to be honest still got bad health anxiety though

26-12-14, 22:02
Good job!