View Full Version : ovarian cancer

26-12-14, 17:57
i had a scan and ultrasound scan on my ovaries and bladder last month would that show up if i had any form of cancer.am so worried now cos am 5 days late .iv all so got cyst on my cervixs am so worked up just feel lime its one thing after another .the dr said my cervixs was a bet red to omg so scared agai. Please if u can help please do .

26-12-14, 18:21
A pelvic ultrasound will show up any cysts you might have. I recently had one. Ask them to explain why your cervix is inflamed. I'm sure it's nothing serious as they would have explained it to you there and then if it was.

You should ask your doctor questions regarding anything you are unclear on, it will help you relax and feel at peace.

26-12-14, 18:27
I do try and ask but she dies not say its anything serious just last time i saw her she said i had white cells in my wee and she wanted another sample thats it and told me to wait for my smear to come bk .cos i only had it done on the 23 dec .

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

Would the scan show ovaries cancer .

26-12-14, 20:03
Ovarian cancer is notoriously difficult to diagnose HOWEVER and this is the important thing to think about (I try to too, because I've worried and do still worry about this particular thing too) doctors do know what to look for and if they say it's nothing serious, there's a 99.99999% chance it's not.

I do know how hard it is for us to focus on that number though, we always think of the 0.000000001% and the fact it exists make statistics difficult when you're in the midst of a worry. I still get focused on OC. Very focused so I do know how it is and so my advice is to focus on those 9s and not the 0s and maybe the next time you see her, ask how she's sure. Pick her brain, it'll help ease your mind a little and even the slightest little is the first baby step. Much love.

Oh and also I don't know if this is of any use but my mum was diagnosed with a cyst on her ovary before she had me, they said she mightn't have kids ever but somehow she had me. Anyway she's always had really heavy periods til she got a coil fitted, so the cyst (in my non medical opinion!) could be why you're five days late or even the worry over it. Worry can mess with your cycle something rotten.

26-12-14, 20:11
Just to second that, I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, which can be debilitating at times and can cause lots of horrible effects on the body, especially reproductive organs. However, it is very common and can be treated successfully as can numerous (and actually most) illnesses. So no worries!

26-12-14, 20:21
Thank you for your reply .am all over the place atm and findin the forum has help me .but iv gone from one cancer to another .am sick of myself and really want the old me bk .

26-12-14, 20:29
I was 4 days late last month and besides myself. Mentioned to doctor and he said he'd be worried if I was weeks late, not days. This month I turned spot on time. Honestly, it's common for periods to be irregular once in a blue moon.

26-12-14, 20:37
Last month i was on time but lasted for about 8 days and was abit heavy and the last 3 days i lost brown not red sorry tmi xx

26-12-14, 21:04
It's never TMI when your talking to other women ;-)
Mine is the same although I am 7 days not 8. I usually have no loss of anything on day 6 and then the remainder on day 7. I will not tell you not to worry as I am guilty of that myself, but if anything was amiss they would have noticed on the scan. Mention it at your next appointment if you have to for reassurance, but they would have known.

26-12-14, 21:08
I will .i dont see her now till my smear and water sample is bk so its just a waitin game really .but why am waitin iv had that many cancers over the last month its unreal 30 year old and had every cancer goin nearly .xxx

27-12-14, 00:17
I have week long periods, sometimes with hardly any blood loss, but LOTS of pain instead. I get it from my stomach into my wrists and ankles. It's awful. They are never regular and my last was 2 weeks late, due to anxiety, I think. I have also (gross warning) lost giant clots of blood and had incredibly embarrassing, heavy periods.

My point to this is, I don't have any serious issue down there. I have PCOS but hey, it's not that bad. A friend of mine with it just got pregnant!

So really, don't worry. We girls are super complex down there and something so so tiny can cause a big fuss. We're just so finely tuned our own bodies can't handle it!:shades:

27-12-14, 10:02
Iv got pains but no signs of it yet .really cant stop thinkin its oc .xx

27-12-14, 16:56
So worried its oc and still no period .in pain but not much and i feel funny down there hope so one can put my mind a rest .had the acan 4 weeks ago now keep thinkin they missed it cos i was on that week .

28-12-14, 16:45
Stress can delay your period, your ultrasound was normal which is good news, I worry about ultrasounds missing things, but my doctor said anything sinister would definitely show up. xx

28-12-14, 17:55
Thanks you its so hard to believe and move on when things keep happening bin the worst month of my life xx

04-01-15, 12:10
Still got diarrhoea and pains on and off were my ovaries r really want to be the person i was befor all this .