View Full Version : Kidney cyst

26-12-14, 21:34
I have been in and out of hospital a number of times over the past few months and eventually I was diagnosed with IBD and since getting a diagnosis my health anxiety has got worse, in a routine procedure they came across a simple kidney cyst but I am paranoid that the cyst could be cancerous and that's why I am still feeling so unwell.

I can't believe anxiety can cause rib pain, stiff neck, spasming muscle, tight diaphragm, lumps over my arms and much more.

Can anyone help put my mind at rest

26-12-14, 21:36
Your mind is more powerful than you could ever imagine. I KNOW how stress has affected me in the past causing multiple physical symptoms. Many people on this site will tell you the same. If only we could switch our minds off.

26-12-14, 21:44
Thank you for your response susie, I am shocked hat is happening to my body and I struggle to know if it's my inflammatory bowel disease or if it is my anxiety. I wish it would just stop

26-12-14, 21:47
It will. But as you focus on symptoms the will continue. If only we could turn our thoughts off. My problem is a bowel one at the moment and I just want it to end. At least we know we're not on our own!

26-12-14, 22:27
Your mind can be so powerful, i always try and look back at a day when i am busy in work or with friends. When i look backsm i notice that when i am distracted the symptoms aren't there or aren't as bad, reminding myself that they wouldn't go or ease because i am distracted helped me. It heloed me prove to myself that my mind was causing me to be fine tuned to the slightest twinge that other peoe wouldn't notice xx

27-12-14, 01:29
Thanks ladies, at the moment even when I am with friends and family my pains are there bothering me all the time. This forum has helped me so much in the last few days as I realise I am not the only one that worries they have something seriously wrong with them when in fact the majority is anxiety.

I have a bowel disorder Susie so happy to provide any advice I can if it would help you at all

30-12-14, 20:24
Sorry to read your not feeling great, but I've had the same as you , My dr said I had Anxiety starting about 4 years ago, have had lots of ups and downs since then, but around 18 months ago, I started getting stomarch issues, mostly right sided dull pain, nausea, with occasional sharp stitch like pains under ribs. I was also sent for abdominal scan,where the only thing they found was a simple kidney cyst, which sent me into orbit with panic and anxiety! Even though all Drs were telling me it was nothing to be worried about. They are very common!!
Anyway ....
I still have this right sided issue and today it is really uncomfotable, so that's why I on here.
I too find it hard to believe this is an anxiety problem. Even though I know how much stress and anxiety can play havoc on our stomachs / body's!!
I don't even think I am anxious half the time, it's the symptoms that make me stressed!!
Hope you feel better soon

18-02-15, 06:06
I have been in and out of hospital a number of times over the past few months and eventually I was diagnosed with IBD and since getting a diagnosis my health anxiety has got worse, in a routine procedure they came across a simple kidney cyst but I am paranoid that the cyst could be cancerous and that's why I am still feeling so unwell.

I can't believe anxiety can cause rib pain, stiff neck, spasming muscle, tight diaphragm, lumps over my arms and much more.

Can anyone help put my mind at rest

If you develop persistent pain from the enlarged kidneys then you may need painkillers. Sometimes an operation to drain or remove some particularly large cysts may be done if they are thought to be causing pressure and pain. Relax, you're doing fine. :D

18-02-15, 07:05
If you develop persistent pain from the enlarged kidneys then you may need painkillers. Sometimes an operation to drain or remove some particularly large cysts may be done if they are thought to be causing pressure and pain. Relax, you're doing fine. :D

Thanks Cody in a routine ultrasound it was confirmed that the kidney cyst had gone away. Sadly the pain in my bowel area remains and I continue to get more and more swollen lymph nides