View Full Version : Feel abit stupid

26-12-14, 23:16
Feel abit silly writing this post,....

I've been catching up on the graham norton show, and I haven't thought about my anxiety once. Was playing on candy crush at the same time

When it finished I switched to a different Chanel and then I thought why haven't I been feeling anything, this has made me anxious, now I feel all weak and my head feels weird

So now I'm worrying that I didn't feel anxious it panicky but they are all coming back now, I've come to bed and I feel all nervous!!!

What the hell is going on!!!

26-12-14, 23:22
You weren't feeling anything because you weren't thinking about your anxiety or your symptoms. Now that you've brought your attention back to it, naturally you are feeling the symptoms and anxiety all over again. Don't worry about not feeling anxious - not feeling anxious is a good thing! Your body is just responding with anxiety because it is so used to being on edge that not feeling anything sends triggers.

26-12-14, 23:25
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm so edgy now! It's really annoying, how can it just come back like that?!?

26-12-14, 23:43
There is a huge connection between your mind and your body. Concentrate on your left hand for a moment and think about your palm. Doesn't it feel strange? Doesn't it feel a little different from your right palm? When did it even start feeling strange? Probably just then when you started thinking about it :winks: And that is exactly how anxiety works.

26-12-14, 23:53
That actually did make it feel all different to the other hand.... It's strange isn't it

27-12-14, 00:35
a lot of the time i think the biggest thing that can trigger anxiety is just observing or noticing a 'difference', like you are saying even if its a positive, a difference is a difference and 'not normal' so we have a little freak out!

worrying over nothing-but at least you know that : )

27-12-14, 01:49
It's because you have become conditioned to being anxious and believe that is your normal state. It's something which I believe is seen more in those who have suffered long term because your beliefs steadily change.

Perhaps the important point to notice is how you are capable of distracting yourself from your anxiety and build on it.

Eventually your beliefs will change again shop that you see anxiety as the abnormal way of being.