View Full Version : Colonscopy in 4 days

27-12-14, 01:23
Hello all. I hope everyone had a happy Christmas. I have to have a colonscopy on Tuesday and I'm really afraid of being sedated. My doctor said that I can stay awake. Has anyone had a colonscopy awake? If so was it painful?

27-12-14, 01:27
Hi RosEve I had a colonoscopy in August and I had local anesthestic so although I was conscious the sedative helped with the procedure, I like you was extremely anxious before I had it done I told the consultant that I had health anxiety and he calmed me down. I then had the procedure and don't remember any of it and I then fell asleep for hours but it literally only felt like minutes. That was the most relaxed I had felt in a long time. Is scary but I got through it and I know you can too

28-12-14, 20:54
Thanks for the encouragement Laura :) Has anyone done it without sedation? I'm trying to decide.

28-12-14, 21:04
Hi hope u dont mind me askin but why r u havin one done .

28-12-14, 21:36
Hi, yes I have had a colonoscopy without being sedated, I would honestly say it is not painful, however what I found most unpleasant was a feeling of the need to empty my bowel during the procedure (even though this is not possible) xx So whether you have a sedative or not, please do try not to worry. You will get through it :) xx

28-12-14, 23:26
Oh thank you. I feel much better now! I don't mind you asking. In October I was in the hospital for almost a week with what they think may have been a colitis. They aren't sure if it was that or a really nasty virus. They think it more likely a virus. They are just checking to make sure I don't have Crohn's disease.

28-12-14, 23:37
I had one done 2 Christmases ago - but I was given a general anesthetic.

Best sleep ever!! (although it was only 40 mins). I was petrified of going to sleep - but the anesthesiologist was beautiful and talked me through it. It honestly was a peace of cake :)

31-12-14, 01:00
Thanks for the support! I had the procedure today and I was fine. I got the sedation which was truly a beautiful thing and everything looked good :)

31-12-14, 06:24
Hi rose, glad you went for the sedation in the end and everything went well with the procedure and everything looks okay

31-12-14, 07:23
Brilliant RoseEve, well done!

31-12-14, 11:56
Well done darling - glad all went ok. Perhaps if you need a sedation at a later date you can visualise this positive experience x

31-12-14, 14:04
So glad everything went okay rose! :hugs:

01-01-15, 03:18
Thank you everyone :hugs: