View Full Version : Feel like I can't breath again

little kyle
27-12-14, 05:43
Don't know where this is coming from I woke up for the loo and then bam feels like I'm not filling my lungs properly.. feet and hands have gone cold and sweaty.....

Also just got heart burn.....

---------- Post added at 05:43 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

The same constant symptom scares the shit out of me...... People do tend to say i over think-alot.... as im worried about my breathing i do tend aswell to think about it.....

I do notice aswell i breath from my chest.... during a panic attack belly breathing makes it worse

I will update as i go

little kyle
30-12-14, 06:40
As I said I would update this thread

Yet again I am having a panic attack / worries about my breathing.... It all started when I day dreamed about a nebuliser and ambelance....

I feel all my worries now are centred around breathing.. due to that's the only thing that bothers me nothung else I have got over the fast heat rate and the cold feet and hands....

Still waiting on CBT..

I feel I'm day dreaming only about anything I link to breathing..... I am even dreaming about breathing problems......

Personally I have quit certain life habits due to the fear of lung problems in the future.....

I have even stop the whole 999 calls but I am struggling like must of us with terrible disease....

I know I constantly need proof I'm fine.... but still even after a while the proof wears off.....

On edge everyday like I'm trying to find something and still I don't know what I'm looking for why I'm so on edge about what ever my brain is telling me..... I am also trying to not fight the thoights and the whole what ifs....

Sorry if this makes nosense I'm just typing as I'm think/saying it

01-01-15, 22:41
i feel like this too. i had it years ago when i was younger and it went away. now its back. i know its just stress but cant help but think the worst.

little kyle
02-01-15, 05:21
I called 999 yesterday :doh: thought i could not breath and low and behold oxygen levels 100%.....

Dam i was doing so well i guess fear got the better of me......

Also asked why my hands and feet go cold and they stated due to the adrenalin blood goes to vital organs....

But still i dont know what i am fearing like right now my breathing feels strange and im shaking like cold shiver......

My hands are colder than ice.....

---------- Post added at 05:21 ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 ----------


Yet again feel like i'm not breathing properly. Feel like there is something in the front of my throat i am constantly cough and forcing air out of my lungs to see if i can remove whatever is there and nothing at all.....

This is the only symptom that really gets to me...

Symptoms i do get with a panic attack are as following

Fast/Slow Heart Rate

Cold Hands/Feet

Feeling as if i'm not getting the right amount of oxygen

Face will get a hot flush

Thoughts about Lung problems and thoughts what if i am having a lung related problems....

But out of all them symptoms its only the thoughts about breathing and the feeling im not getting enough air.... Also i will constantly use a peak flow which has became obsessive where it used to put mind ( Thoughts ) At ease now this obsessive use of the peak flow is failing to work to the point i am constantly needing professional advice ( A&E ) This as got to the point where i wont go out due to the thought of what if i start the whole not being able the get enough air like what if i feel i cant breath so my activities have been totally stop due to the fear i think i cant breath or feeling the discomfort of not breathing properly.......

I have been to A&E many of times and yet they say there is nothing wrong with my lungs.....

And if it was a serious problem i would still be the same when ambalance crew got there which in my case when i feel i cant breath properly and they arrive i feel better which goes to show it cant be anything major...

But the symptom is always the same.....

I mean all A&N reports Oxygen Levels have be in the 97-100% in which case even though that is awesome and have the proof that my lungs are fully working i still feel something is wrong.....

My panic attacks are lasting between 50mins-2hr which before when i was 16-18 would only last 25-30 mins

Sorry for the long post i feel like a spanner but better out than in i guess

Would just like to thank the mods and creator of this site as this site has been a great turning point for me and that i dont know where i would be today with out this trusted site so thank you

02-01-15, 12:12
I get this, too. Everybody tells me it's anxiety, but I don't feel anxious when it's happening. I described it to my doctor, when I was young, that it's almost like there's a slope inside me, and my breath tries to climb it, but can't quite make it over for some time, but then it finally does. Is this similar for you?