View Full Version : poop time

27-12-14, 08:56
my poop had gone back to normal but last few days I had some d! and then loose stools that keep floating with mucus is this normal on sertraline and diazampam?

27-12-14, 09:26
my poop had gone back to normal but last few days I had some d! and then loose stools that keep floating with mucus is this normal on sertraline and diazampam?

I was on Sertraline (Zoloft) for about 6 months and yes, it can cause loose stools and part of that is mucous.

Positive thoughts and poo threads

27-12-14, 10:17
I am on week 2 of 50mg Sertraline and I have had loose stools too, I am normally a bit constipated so definitely noticed a difference. Hopefully it will settle down for you.

27-12-14, 11:11
thanks guys didn't know you took sertraline fish! so when you was on about the restless legs and funny feelings im having you probably understand! ive not had a dark brown poo for weeks which I know is stupid but its kind of getting me down haha

27-12-14, 12:39
thanks guys didn't know you took sertraline fish! so when you was on about the restless legs and funny feelings im having you probably understand! ive not had a dark brown poo for weeks which I know is stupid but its kind of getting me down haha

Yeah... 100mg 1x daily for about 6 months along with therapy for depression after my 1st heart attack and bypass. It was a pretty rough time. The Sert helped but messed with my stomach. That was the only side effect I recall having. I didn't really notice anything different but others did. They saw a positive change in my attitude. It was when I ramped off of it did I realize I was drugged. Had some dizziness and insomnia for a bit. I have some chill pills now when needed but haven't used them in a long time. I've managed to keep the "scanxiety" in check and no issues with depression either. Despite physical issues, life is good :)

Stick with it. If you keep getting the stomach/bowel issues speak to your doctor. SSRIs are a fickle bunch of meds. Sometimes it takes a couple of different tries/meds/dosages to find what works best for you. Keep in mind that meds alone aren't a cure. They're merely a tool to help you on the healing path. That being said, some people need/use them as a maintenance therapy to keep things in check. My sister has GAD and has been on Prozac for nearly 10 years under that very reason.

Positive thoughts

27-12-14, 12:47
yea im on 100mg of sertraline and when I took it 3-4 years ago I don't think I was this bad but then again it was a long time ago! ive been making sure I go jogging every day now and still weigh my self every day which maybe is not helping but ive lost no weight in 2 weeks now gone up a few pound and down a few pound but stayed the same! just cant put it on! and im not skinny im 6 foot and 14.36 stone but I was 15.60 stone but was drinking a lot of beer and I stopped months ago! so maybe beer weight fell off! trying to be positive ive always had loose stools for many years maybe 7!

27-12-14, 13:07
If you've had loose stools for 7 years and something was seriously wrong the likelihood would be you would know about it. Try not to worry. I home in on symptoms like this too, I know how difficult it is to try and get the idea out of your head.

Some people just seem to have loose stools in general anyway. My ex who I was with for years used to have this and he was absolutely fine. I find I get it after booze or rich food.