View Full Version : Feeling shaky and nervous with tight chest, help :(

27-12-14, 12:02
I just had a bath and when I got out I started feeling really nervous, shaky, sick and tight chested. I know it is anxiety but I feel awful, my hands are shaking and it just came out of nowhere.

I don't know whether I should take any diazepam as I got very drunk last night and had a hangover.

No one is at home and I feel scared, I don't want this to turn into a panic attack but I just can't calm down.

Never had it before where is just happens for no reason!

If anyone had any advice please reply to me I'd appreciate it xx

27-12-14, 12:06
You are probably having a panic attack, it comes out of nowhere, try to sip water, it prevents hyperventilation, lay down and focus on your breathing, breath through your diaphragm and exhale very slowly, this will help you calm down. Hope you feel better, let us know x

27-12-14, 12:09
Thank you for replying so quickly xx

It was so scary I was shaving my legs in the bath (lol) and all of a sudden I just started shaking and feeling sick! My fingers are wobbling as a type.

Trying to distract myself and breath deeply. Really want a diazepam but no chance I am risking it, don't want to knock myself out!

So scary how it can just come out of nowhere... I think it could be to do with starting Sertraline as I am on week 2 now. Hoping it settles down soon, I wanted to come off but Dr said to stick with it.

Thanks xxx

27-12-14, 12:48
You already know that drinking wasn't a good idea so I won't chastise you on that one.

Think of this like a fry pan of hot oil. What you basically did was throw some water into the pan. The result of which you're dealing with now. Yeah, the oil spattered an you got burned but once the water evaporates, things will calm down again. Keep in mind the oil stays hot so don't be doing anything to risk getting burned again.

Drink plenty of water to re-hydrate yourself and get some rest. Hang in there with the Sert. it'll get better in a few weeks.

Positive thoughts

27-12-14, 13:03
Thanks Fishmanpa, I definitely think this is alcohol related. Booze makes me so much worse but when I get swept up in the festivities I tend to forget that :doh:

Sat on the sofa in my pyjamas sipping water. Going to relax for an hour to too then pop out for some fresh air I think.

I have never experienced such strong side effects from an SSRI, was on fluoxetine for 10 years then citalopram on and off for a few years and I never had this with either of them. Just hope it settles down at the Dr says it will. Feel like a cat on a hot tin roof at the moment.

27-12-14, 13:15
I find that when I feel like that standing at an open door or window to get fresh cold air calms you down and makes you feel a little better! The bathroom also does get really hot and sometimes makes me feel panicky because I feel so hot. Hope you feel better soon!

27-12-14, 13:23
I find that when I feel like that standing at an open door or window to get fresh cold air calms you down and makes you feel a little better! The bathroom also does get really hot and sometimes makes me feel panicky because I feel so hot. Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks :) going to try popping to the shops in a bit as the cold fresh air will help calm me. I definitely find fresh air helps when I get like this.

To be fair I DID have a very hot bath. I had loads of posh bath goodies for Christmas so was having a real pampering session but I think I stayed in the hot water a bit too long lol :whistles:

Shaking has stopped but still got that tight churning feeling in the pit of my stomach. At the moment the only thing that comforts me when I get this is holding onto my boyfriend and hugging him, he has been through this himself and he gives me so much hope. He's at work at the moment though so I will just have to hug myself :roflmao:

Word of advice for anyone reading this, if your Dr says not to drink or to limit you alcohol intake - listen to them!!

27-12-14, 14:26
Do you have any meditation apps on your phone or ipad as I often find this helps when I am having a panic attack. Or have you ever done any transformational breathing or tapping?

Watching comedy helps to as laughter I find is the best medicine when I am having an attack. I had a really bad attack on Christmas Day which lasted almost all day and that came from freaking out about a few simple insect bites. Music, comedy or meditation will help my dear as it makes your brain process something else rather than increasing your awareness of the attack.

Everything always seems to be worse when you are on your own, I know I hate being on my own. Always happy to chat if you ever need support if your on your own

Hope the attack passes soon and you feel better

27-12-14, 16:13
Do you have any meditation apps on your phone or ipad as I often find this helps when I am having a panic attack. Or have you ever done any transformational breathing or tapping?

Watching comedy helps to as laughter I find is the best medicine when I am having an attack. I had a really bad attack on Christmas Day which lasted almost all day and that came from freaking out about a few simple insect bites. Music, comedy or meditation will help my dear as it makes your brain process something else rather than increasing your awareness of the attack.

Everything always seems to be worse when you are on your own, I know I hate being on my own. Always happy to chat if you ever need support if your on your own

Hope the attack passes soon and you feel better

Thank you so much :) My attack has passed now thank God. I went for a walk up to the shops and made a lasagne when I got home and it really took my mind of things.

I will look into tapping, I have heard good things about it. A lady I work with told me about this and I keep meaning to do some research. I'll also check out if I can get an app for my phone, would be really useful to have that to hand when I am alone or out and about and it happens again, thanks for the suggestion!

I definitely agree, comedy really helps. Anything to take my mind of it really! Music is good too, I am lost without my mp3 player :)

Sorry to hear you were so bad on Christmas Day :weep: can't have been fun for you at all bless you. It's awful how it can just pop up out of nowhere! I get it over everything now, before it just used to be over being scared of cancer but now even a case of cystitis set me off (last week!) I also get scared of things going wrong with my boyfriend and family, my boyfriend has a slow healing wound on his groin (from chaffing/ingrown hair that got infected, ouch!) and even though it is getting better, he's had it for 3 weeks now and that's what started me off with this episode cause I was convinced he had some terribly underlying health problem. He has an underactive thyroid and is on meds for it and I worry about him but he assures me he is fine and I need to trust him on that one :)

Thanks again for your advice and same goes for you if you need someone to talk to I am here. It is so good having a place to come to where others understand what we're going though! xx:yesyes:

27-12-14, 17:22
I can recommend the Insight timer app (free) and the Tara Brach website for guided meditation. Look on You Tube for Jon Kabbat Zinn body scan guided meditation. I find the EFT tapping technuque useful sometimes too. Best wishes.

27-12-14, 23:00
Hi Snowflake,

The panic ended because your adrenal glands ran out of adrenaline. It is adrenaline which causes panic attacks and together with tension causes your symptoms.

It all comes from fear in your mind, this excites the nervous system, which itself controls the functioning of certain glands and organs. For eg the heart, sweat galnds, adrenal glands etc. The symptoms themselves although frightening to experience are harmless, they have never and will never hurt you.

Try to face them, they are not some monster, they are adrenaline, let go and sag towards them, let your body go loose. And try to have a flaoting feeling come over you as this lessens the feeling of fear.



27-12-14, 23:06
Thanks for the replies :)