View Full Version : Blood in phlegm help please

27-12-14, 17:21

I'm hoping that you may be able to advise what you would do in my situation. I've suffered badly from health anxiety for the past few years, two years ago I had surgery on my jaw to fix an overbite. A few months later I noticed that I had a lot of phlegm in my throat all the time which I would regularly need to spit out. I also felt blocked across my sinuses.

This carried on for a few more months before I first noticed blood streaks in the phlegm. It only happened once so I hoped that would be it. A few months later it happened again, after numerous trips to the doctors who were baffled I ended up being referred to an ent. I spoke to the surgeon who did the operation and he said it would not be connected with that.

The ent performed a chest x ray, barium swallow and used a tube to have a look at my nose and throat. Everything looked fine and they didn't have a clue what the problem was. In the end the only solution they had was to suggest an operation where they could have a proper look around, however the ent was not in favour of this and said it could well cause more damage than good.

This was around a year ago since then the pattern has continued. Every few months my phlegm has streaks of blood. It happens for the one day, it's not a lot of blood maybe about 1cm by 1/2 a cm. After this there is then nothing for a few months, the latest episode was on Monday which had set me off worrying again.

Every time this really upsets me as it just doesn't seem normal and I'm a big health anxiety worrier anyway so the two combined are not good. What would you do? Do I go back to the doctors? How can I stop worrying when I don't know what it is and it keeps continuing? I have this horrible fear it will turn out to be something sinister which had been missed. Help!

28-12-14, 04:29
Sizzling, if this were something sinister in the long amount of time it has been happening, the condition would have progressed and gotten much worse.

Sinister doesn't remain constant :)

I personally wouldn't go back to the Dr because they have thoroughly investigated the symptoms and nothing turned up. Their other option could cause more harm than good.

You've seen the right specialists and had the right diagnostics. Sometimes in order to accept something out of the ordinary you need to fully accept 2 things. 1) you suffer HA 2) your body does not need to be perfect with zero symptoms to be healthy.

I would wager that most people have something odd within their bodies. Something that could be considered not normal. Provided it gets checked (and in your case you've had great tests) then you just need to accept this is you. You don't need to be symptom free to be healthy.

Do you do any relaxation or meditation? Perhaps downloading some guided meditations for health anxiety might prove to be beneficial