View Full Version : How I stopped Worrying About My Health

27-12-14, 17:42
Hey Guys,

Iīve suffered from anxiety since I was 11 and Iīm now 30. It all started when I got a panic attack in a shop one day. Panic swept over me and Iīd never felt so frightened in my life. I remember I started shaking and couldnīt walk or talk. It was horrible.

Anxiety then took over my life. I had constant palpitations, and sometimes headaches. My body was acting strange and I couldnīt figure out why. It just made me worried. Like there was something wrong with me. I would tell the doctor that I felt bad, like there was something wrong with me. It was very distressing. The memories come back as I write this.

It was like no one understood me, or what was happening to me. And worst of all I didnīt understand what was happening to me.

Itīs a relief for me to say that I havenīt had a panic attack for around 4 years now. Once I understood how my nervous system was sensitized and how it was working hard registering all my emotions, and so had become tired, then it took a lot of the fear and worry away. Also understanding how adrenaline and tension make the symptoms happen helped a lot.

I then had to learn how to stop worrying about the symptoms I had. My mind was so tired it was like I was stuck in a loop of worry. I would do exercise and my heart would palpitate and Iīd sweat but when this happened from anxiety I presumed the worst.

It has taken me a lot of facing the symptoms, and how I feel, to get to the stage where I am now at. If I wasnīt aware of how adrenaline and tension work together to bring on the symptoms I would probably still be agoraphobic today.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some of my story! I know how scary it can seem when your body has strange sensations, but have faith that it is just adrenaline and tension working together in your tired and fatigued body and mind.



28-12-14, 21:48
Hi your story sounds similar to mine what did you use to understand your nervous system etc

28-12-14, 22:50
Some interesting posts on your blog, Jon. I can see you acknowledge the Dr Claire Weeks approach, which has helped me enormously. As you say, understanding the adrenaline-anxiety- adrenaline cycle is central to understanding the physical effects of panic and anxiety.

28-12-14, 23:46
Wow I am reading this right now it's incredible thank you for sharing your link. The words this is just adrenaline and my nervous system is sensitised is something I will say to myself over and over when I have my next health anxiety attack

28-12-14, 23:50
Love your posts, Jon. :)