View Full Version : Anyone online? Struggling tonight.

27-12-14, 22:13
I'm in bed with my bedroom door closed & Harry Potter on TV but every time I hear a voice/movement in the rest of the house that reminds me we have guests staying over I start to feel jittery. It's mainly mental panic (as in I don't have the shakes, sweats, etc), but with being run down with a cold I'm finding it hard to control... or at least, not control (because I'm trying to remember my CBT4Panic stuff), but live alongside/relax with/accept...?

27-12-14, 22:28
When we are physically unwell it always increases the anxiety especially when you are also tired. Having the pressure of people staying won't help either. Try to focus on your immediate surroundings and not what is going on in other parts of the house. Sending you hugs :hugs:

27-12-14, 22:38
I've been feeling the same lately so just wanted to pass on big hugs :hugs: x

27-12-14, 22:57
Thank-you. My film has finished, and I'm whizzing through the clues in my crossword app so I'm going to put my usual audio book on, try to pretend it's any other night & make a renewed attempt to sleep.

27-12-14, 22:59
Why don't you get a notepad and write down what is making you feel jittery.. Then seeing what you can do to feel more relaxed? And if your fears have any basis, then they might lose their power over you? Writing things down takes it out of your mind a bit so it stops going round in circles! I get like that when I stay at my boyfriends flat, any noise I hear while trying to sleep just makes me feel tense and I can barely sleep the whole night! I invested in earplugs though and now it's a lot quieter!

28-12-14, 10:32
The sun has come up again, so I must have made it through the night. I think I woke up about 6 times (twice with a racing heart & nausea), but at least I did manage to sleep from around 4am to 9am in one go. And I made myself stay in bed rather than getting up & pacing like a caged animal, so I suppose it could've been worse!