View Full Version : how many of us feeling worse during the xmas.

28-12-14, 01:41
For the pass 3 year i feel worse around the xmas. I call this xmas anxiety. is any one like me. This year i try my best don't let this get to me. Try my best not think of symptoms but is so hard. :=(

28-12-14, 01:57
im 26 and every xmas I have worked as I work in the pub trade but ive also partied like a rock star and drank for what I call the 10 day piss up haha but always have a dry 2 months after but this year ive had back HA so ive not really noticed its beens xmas!!!:weep:

28-12-14, 02:08
Xmas makes everything harder for me. Health anxiety included. I actually dread xmas! I find the pressure to be happy overwhelming and something I can never manage, which makes me feel guilty!