View Full Version : Back pain

28-12-14, 08:12
Good morning I'm getting my self into a panic of course and need some reassurance please!
I was just helping my husband lift a very heavy log burner out of the car to bring into the house, I couldn't believe the weight of this thing but I continued to lift it, as soon as I put it down I had pain shooting down my bac k under each shoulder blade, I now have a dull ache and when I twist my body it hurts a lot :(
I'm only 8 stone so I'm very slight maybe I shouldn't of lifted something so heavy but it's done now! Have I caused something serious? Or is it just a muscle sprain? Pls some one help me out here I'm now thinking the worst and thinking I've done so much damage I'm going to end up in a back brace or something worse! To make things even worse I'm a dance teacher and I have lessons all day tomorrow and I'm hoping this pain will pass!!!

08-01-15, 16:03
It sounds like a pulled muscle. Easily done lifting something heavy.
If it hurts too much to teach your classes maybe check with doctor.
Hope the pain eases soon

11-01-15, 02:17
Is it your first time to lift a heavy stuff? It could be just the muscle.