View Full Version : Can I move on ?

28-12-14, 22:07
Hi guys I hope you are good .

I'm not so much ,:( as usual Im freaking out thinking I have lymphoma . I keep touching my nodes .

Next month marks my three year anniversary of this fear and my symptoms . I can't have it can I ?

I always have started to like this guy from work and I think we are going on a date soon . I always feel like my anxiety has controlled my life and stopped me having any relationship

Do you guy think I can move on and let this go now after three years and start concentrating on my life ? I've wasted it so much already

28-12-14, 22:40
One thing that I have realised in dealing with health anxiety is that you have to learn to accept uncertainty. Can anyone guarantee you don't have it? Without a blood test every day, no they can't. But realistically, rationally, can you say it that it is very, very unlikely that you have it? Yes. Write down all the rational responses to the thought 'I have lymphoma' and you will see that the truth is that the chances if you having it are very, very slim.

I often end up asking my OH for reassurance about my palpitations, bit I know that reassurance isn't the answer. The answer is looking at the facts rationally and seeing that thoughts are just thoughts, not reality.

28-12-14, 23:36
One of the things that people with HA convince themselves of is that diseases and in particular cancer are common occurrences. Take breast cancer for example, in cancer terms pretty common, but on average a GP would expect to be involved in diagnosing a case of breast cancer every 7 years or so. Puts it into some context and whilst of course it happens it is far less frequently than we like to think.

Also bear in mind the one in two people will get cancer stat is all age and the vast majority of cancer diagnoses are in later life. Also the well reported five year mortality rate - as far as I know doesn't adjust for the fact that some, in fact many people diagnosed with their particular cancer will die of something else within the five year period.

We have to accept it might happen, but also try and accept that it is on the law of averages unlikely.

28-12-14, 23:41
One of the things that people with HA convince themselves of is that diseases and in particular cancer are common occurrences. Take breast cancer for example, in cancer terms pretty common, but on average a GP would expect to be involved in diagnosing a case of breast cancer every 7 years or so. Puts it into some context and whilst of course it happens it is far less frequently than we like to think.

Also bear in mind the one in two people will get cancer stat is all age and the vast majority of cancer diagnoses are in later life. Also the well reported five year mortality rate - as far as I know doesn't adjust for the fact that some, in fact many people diagnosed with their particular cancer will die of something else within the five year period.

We have to accept it might happen, but also try and accept that it is on the law of averages unlikely.

I wish I could "like" this a gazillion times.

THIS is the BEST perspective I have ever read.

Yes please, move on xxx if it were lymphoma you wouldn't be here today. It is unrealistic to continue to check.

Be vigilant for sure, but be measured in your worry.

29-12-14, 07:58
Brilliant CPE x