View Full Version : Trimethoprim ?

28-12-14, 23:47
Ok got a urinary infection. Been given a 3 day course of trimethoprim 200mg twice a day... Silly me read the potential side effects !! Duhhhh why do I always do it .. Anyway took it an hour ago and actually feel sick now as in gagging ect.. Just wanting some words of comfort or anyone else taken them? New medication is a massive trigger for me and scares me incase I'm that one in a 100 or 1000 x

29-12-14, 02:43
Hi that specific antibiotic can you feel sick hun, it did me and caused me to vomit so if you can I'd ring your Gp and get him to prescribe you something different, don't panic tho I've had alot of antibiotics do this to me, my Gp has a long list of one's I can't take on my notes!! X X

29-12-14, 04:11
It's a great antibiotic for uti's though.

Perhaps ask if you can take maxolon for the 3 days. This is shortest course and it's effective

29-12-14, 04:24
Hi there thanks for replies ... It's a 3 day course itself so hopefully should do the trick I actually have pains in my kidneys but doctor didn't seem convinced it was a kidney infection so gave me the short course for a run of the mill uti... Feel abit ropey right now laying gin bed with horrible pain in one of my ovaries !! Which I wouldn't of thought a uti did but if I speculate to much will drive myself mad :-/ x

29-12-14, 07:32
I can't take trimothoprim because it gives me crippling headaches. It is meant to be the most effective antibiotic for uti though, I have to take amoxcicillin when I get them which is a seven day course. Hope you feel better soon!

29-12-14, 17:44
Just want to say that I recently got given antibiotics for a UTI because I had kidney pains and a pain in my side. It later transpired that I actually have a nasty virus that is going round! You could have something similar on top of your UTI and that could be making you feel a bit sick x

29-12-14, 20:59
Hiya thanks for replies... Feeling pretty ropey tbh with it all .. Having palpitations but dont know if that's a general thing or if it's the tablets... Thoughly fed up to be honest x