View Full Version : heart anxiety... please help...

29-12-14, 01:42
Ever since i've had a big panic attack outside while walking (heartrate of around 130-140 with irregular heartbeat) i'm very scared to go outside. I'm suffering from panic attack since the age of 16 (i'm 26 now) but 7 months ago, they aren't like before. Before, it was only my heart racing, with the fear of dying but now, not only is my heart racing but there's irregular heartbeat (it feel to me like pvc's/pac's but i haven't been diagnostized since they didn't appear when i did my test.) I'm scared it happen again and i won't know what to do. I did all my tests (x-ray, ekg, blood test, stress test' echo, but no holter) and everything was fine. How can i stop thinking about that? my heart skip are making me scared. Everyday, every hour, every minute i think about that and i'm scared.

29-12-14, 17:53
I occasionally get panic attacks too. If the EKG came out fine then you need to trust those results. I have an arrhythmia for the past 20 years and get PVCs several times per month. Best thing you can do is NOT avoid the places where the panic attacks have happened in the past. When one starts to happen, it helps to just repeat to yourself over and over that you are fine, its anxiety, and you will not die. Take long slow deep breaths.

I've found that I have more issues when I'm stressed. Do whatever you can to lessen the stress in your life, whether that means spending less time with toxic people, taking more breaks, doing more exercise, etc. Eating healthy also helps a lot too. I have felt the best when I'm doing daily exercise and making sure I'm eating fruits and vegetables. It sounds like such a simple solution that it couldn't possibly work but it does.

29-12-14, 20:56
It helped me a bit when I finally researched about PVCs and PACs and found out exactly what they can cause. It took a lot of time reading actual medical journals and obviously I'm not a doctor or in med school so had to keep looking up words.
But what I found was that what PVCs and PACs can cause is AF and VF in the worst situation, and that only tends to be if you have a very damaged heart. I.e late stage heart disease or really bad heart problem from birth. You have neither!

Now AF and VF does not have to be fatal and neither is very common. But no ectopic beats just cause your heart to stop! It's not possible. It's the opposite of what ectopic beats do, as they are 'extra heartbeats'!