View Full Version : I beat OCD and you will too.

29-12-14, 03:27
New to this forum. Greetings all. Typing on phone so excuse my formatting. I came back to this forum after suffering from hocd and other forms which completely ruined my life and made me suicidal. The one thing which got me to the light at the end of the tunnel, was in fact reading other people's success which in turn motivated me like nothing else. If you are reading this now, no matter how dismal you feel... No matter how downright depressed. You are going to get better. There is an end to ocd. There is, i promise. You need to trust me when I tell you this, you need to keep going, and you will succeed. You need to open yourself up to your fears, it takes hours of practice and mindfulness, but it WILL go away, I am living proof. Each and every one of you fighting this are brave wonderful individuals who are going to make it.. No matter how doubtful and dark your day has been, you will never have to face that day again. That day is gone and you are on the road to recovery. Do not give in. When it has diminished, which it will. You will love life again,
i know, I know,
It is so hard to see when you are going through a bad patch. Do not think of what ypu are goimg through as an individual problem, that merely scratching the surface..
For example do mot think of harm ocd as a mentally unstable way of addressing your 'inner want to harm' . You are battling your greatest fear, so in turn, you treat is as that, nothing more. You deal witb the underlying anxiety not the topic. Do not battle with yourself guys. You are all great people who do not have to stand for this... You know you do not have to stand for this. Do not battle with yourself... Battle with it. It will pass in time and be cast out. Treat
It as a separate entity as it is, it is not part of you and you do not need it. It is simply a misfiring which needs to manually fixed, and it will be, i know you all can do it. I am here for all of you. I will be as active as possible in offering support from past experience. Guys, there is life after this, and it is wonderful, it will pick up again right where you left off :) waiting for you with open arms. I will not wish you luck, as luck would mean failure is an option... Which is not the case. Trial and error my friends,
Yet, wiyh trial and error, always comes success, once you have learnt from your mistakes.
Rooting for all of you, friends. Take control and take the life back which is rightfully yours. I know you will.

13-02-15, 00:42
Hey well done you!!! :D

Happy for you :)

14-02-15, 21:18
Really glad to read your story and hear you are doing well. It's not easy, but we can change our lives for the better.

24-02-15, 10:42
Well done you. I have a particular nasty form of ocd and it is ruining my life. However, reading this have me hope. Do you think any ocd can be cured?


11-03-15, 22:31
Thank you for writing this :)

12-03-15, 11:25
Well done you. I have a particular nasty form of ocd and it is ruining my life. However, reading this have me hope. Do you think any ocd can be cured?


Well done Joeboy! :yesyes:

OCD and all anxiety disorders are 'learnt behaviours' and the same principle that allowed them to be learnt, known as neuroplasticity, applies to learn new behaviours that replace them. So, yes it is definately possible and many people have.

18-03-15, 23:36
Well done ,beat my anxiety for two yrs now after about tens yrs of hell I just wrote how I beat it and some how wiped the lot off LOL I will do it again this week some time well done again atvb Steve