View Full Version : Nerves

08-01-07, 20:42
Hey all,

As some of you may know...Ive got a job interview tomoro, now yes thats scary but whats worse is that I have to get the bus to get to the city!! And if you've read my other post I cant get on a bus...as in I physically can't get on it, it scares me that bad!!! Im soooooo scared and i feel pathetic for being scared :( And if that still wasnt enough the interview is in the city where I had a MAJOR panic attack once!! My hubby is comming with me but im still petrified...and what happens when I have to go there on my own!! [V] I hate going there at the best of times and now I HAVE to go there and I HAVE to go on a bus to get there!! AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!! Im gna die i honestly dont think I can do it [V][V][V][V]

Sorry for going on but i felt like i needed to xx

"Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted"

08-01-07, 21:41
Sorry to hear you're feeling like that angel. Ive been there before many times myself. Although when i get nervous and ppl give me advice it feels like they dont really understand the extent of the fear i can assure u I feel the same but in different situations. Firstly id really encourage you to go because whatever happens it will sure beat the depression and sense of failure you feel if you don't go. Don't let the nerves win. Also, whatever happens it wont be a wasted trip. You will never learn how to cope if you don't put yourself through situations you feel scared of. I reccomend deep breathing exercises, this can help alot. Know that all people get nervous at job interviews so dont let that put u off. This will if anything be good practice at controlling your nerves, experience and if anything else, knowing the limit of your anxiety. Im really sure you can do it. I know it will be really hard though and i've chickened out before but it just makes it harder the next time. Whatever you decide,dont beat urself up about it, and good luck!

08-01-07, 22:34
Can you not get a taxi instead or is that just as bad?

Take some distraction with you - reading, mp3 player etc, water and above all do the breathing correctly.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

08-01-07, 22:47