View Full Version : Twitching muscles / Troubles falling asleep - psychedelic dreams and fear of death

29-12-14, 13:22
Hi again! I haven't been around the forums for a long time. But sadly enough I have again reached a point where I don't know what to do other than seek answers and support here.

I have been having some anxiety every now and then but I lived a normal life managing it quite well only until this summer, when I got some anxiety attacks and develop some symptoms that ever since are driving me crazy and my anxiety is progressively worsening.

The symptoms
To begin with I started having shooting pain through different parts of my body, it drove me nuts for 2 months, sharpened my anxiety. Then I visited my GP and found out that I have vitamin D deficiency which I have been treating for past 3 months and the aches have improved.

However 2 months ago along with the pain I started having muscle twitching in random parts of my body. Sometimes it's a small muscle that twitches - for example the one above my ear and sometimes it's a bigger muscle like my biceps or part of my leg or abdomen. This is still going. And guess what I am freaking out that I might be developing MS. I went to my GP again and he couldn't find anything inappropriate. But he will refer me to a neurologist soon.

And the last thing that worries me the most lately is something that happened to me twice, including last night. I guess that it could be just triggered by too much stress. Basically the thing that happened to me 1 month ago was - I came back from work, had dinner and while I was resting on the couch I got irritated stomach, then I had and anxiety attack and in the span of 15 minutes I became extremely tired, got cold arms and legs and started shivering. I went to bed with the idea that I need to rest and I couldn't fall asleep for 1 hour, I would go in and out of sleep getting sucked into what seemed as psychedelic weirdness, dreams that didn't make sense and I would also get hearing hallucinations like songs or humming voice. Then I would get insane kick of fear wake up and it all seems normal except my extreme level of anxiety, fear of dead and thoughts of committing suicide. And that would repeat 10-15 times until I actually managed to fall asleep. Then I would sleep for 12-14 hours straight and wake up like I was undergone terror last night. And 1 day later I am back to normal... The same thing happened to me again last night ... The same pattern with extreme tiredness, anxiety, fear, in and out of crazy dreams until I managed to fall asleep and slept straight for 12-14 hours.

I have to admit that I am not having the healthiest of lifestyles lately, especially now that I am in a holiday. I am having my first job as an IT Engineer for a year already and it has been really stressful period since my contract is not full time and I keep worrying about tons of things. And now in the vacation I kinda of screwed my sleeping patter and also consume quite a bit of alcohol and not so healthy food.

Basically this whole thing has brought me down so much that thoughts of death and committing suicide are intruding my head ever more often. And the moment that I stabilize and feel better something else comes and I hit the ground again...

Can please someone at least explain what the heck are these episodes with the psychedelic dreams and insane anxiety and sleeping span of 12-14 hours.. it worries me a lot, I am starting to think that I might have schizophrenia or smth like it...

02-01-15, 08:50
No you aren't schizoid .. or crazy ,, just really anxious.. I just felt like this last night. I had three dreams in a row that was someone telling me how worthless I was and I woke in a state of suicidal thoughts that have been plauging me all day but I know its anxiety like you are having so im trying to think of anything else to keep me from thinking of these thoughts about the dreams and they were like yours as well.. also the twitches I get all the time all over.. i ignore them but sometime they trouble me so much ..i know its nerves.. sometimes I get like tremors in the same fingers over and over day after day making me think MS or some other terrible disease but its all anxiety.. as im sure your is.. just hang in there and relax and some thought swaps or thought stops and just make your self know its just a feeling it will go away.. take care feel better soon.

03-01-15, 12:05
Beetle juice - I really sympathise - I have reached a new level of anxiety this holiday.... It all kicked of with a nighttime panic attack - hideous and now I currently have the worst muscles aches I've ever had - pain in my neck, shoulders and back and last night I was woken up by pain in my right groin and both legs - kind moved around... Really scared me - just think I've something really wrong with me - although all the obvious signs point to a really bad bout of anxiety.... I'm constantly googling my symptoms as they are just so overwhelming - and just can't seem to get my negative mind chatter to quieten down - it's always in the back of my mind saying - it's not anxiety its, Ms, cancer etc..... I do agree that doing no exercise and not eating properly and drinking too much completely exacerbate anxiety.... I was exercising very regularly upto November then pulled my back and then got the seasonal colds etc so haven't done any exercise for about a month and a half and at that point my anxiety was under control..... The way Im feeling is driving me mad and I'm worried that I will cause myself a awful disease through all my worrying and anxiety, a really awful viscous cycle... Anxiety sucks thank goodness for this website......