View Full Version : breast worries

29-12-14, 15:06
Hi all, I am new to this site, I hope someone can relate to my health anxiety.
It started about 4 weeks ago when I found a lump in my boob, well it went down when i came on my period, so obviously hormonal well that should have been the end of it but that was just the beginning. I went into overdrive checking every part of my boobs inspecting them in different lights,different angles etc anyway started convincing myself that one boob felt different to the other got myself in a right state but decided to go to the Dr, anyway went along a male doctor examined me and said it was all normal breast tissue, what a relief, oh no that was fine for that day next day got myself in a state all over again, called NHS direct spoke to lovely nurse explain my boob worries, she said everything I had said was completely normal and to put my hands in my pockets for a while, that's what I should have done but no still in a state of panic. Anyway called my doctor as Ifound small pinkish mark, probably always been there, i know I have had it before , but still couldn't rationalise, anyway my doctor said there would be a lump under any skin issue and there isn't also to increase my prozac up to 40mg well Idid that and went iinto anxiety melt down over Xmas worried about small mark , one boob bigger than the other, one firmer than the other etc. Anyway iI was hoping someone would reply who has been through similar situation, many thanks Herbiexx

29-12-14, 15:45
Hi :) i absolutely can relate. I had a twinge in my right breast months ago for a few days that went away then comes back every now & again. I get it in the left too but not as much but i googled & scared myself to death. Haven't been to the doctors cos it's a man & i think it's mostly my anxiety ( i hope) I check my breasts every day & in different lights etc & it's exhausting. You're not on your own x

29-12-14, 16:11
I know its really draining, do you find pinkier patches on your boobs, I have one particular patch, which I think is due to the lace on my bras rubbing and its left a small pink mark on my right boob, exactly were it rubs, but iI still think its something terrible, it was there when I went to doctors I'm sure in the surgery lighting he would have noticed if it was bad , anyway thank you so much for replying i don'tfeel so alone now xxxxxx

29-12-14, 17:03
Yes i get that from where the lace is on both boobs & where the underwire rubs it's nothing to worry about I'm sure. If only i could follow my own advice :) xxx

29-12-14, 17:45
Tell me about it, my daughter suffers from the same thing and when she has health anxiety I can reassure her and know it is just her mind playing up, but I can't reassure myself, bless her she has been really helpful, xxxx

29-12-14, 17:50
Ladies, I did what you are doing now for 10 years and am trying to think of something to say to you to make you stop but I do not know if there is as you are in that stage of heightened anxiety and just ant to talk about your boobs, the dimples, marks, texture, shadow etc, etc.
So if I were to say your boobs are fine, you have HA which manifests itself in your obsession with your boobs like so many before you and so many like you would you listen? If you would then I am here with my two peneth of support xx Lucia xx

29-12-14, 17:58
Hi there listening to other that have gone or are going through it makes me feel better, because it proves it is anxiety as you are still healthy 10 years on, hopefully I can kick this before it goes on to long xxx

29-12-14, 18:30
Her Herbie, what you describe is classical HA. Really try to focus on the fact that your HA is making you obsess about your boobs. So if I said I am going to advise the person with OCD who keeps washing her hands over and over to really get to the bottom of exactly what kind, colour, smell is the dirt on their hands you would think me mad and would tell me the need to focus on not washing ther hands so much and focus on why they feel the need to do this in the first place. Therefore I am not going to tell you to get that looked at or what 'normal boobs are like' or about all my lumps, bumps and marks but I can support you to try to lessen the obsession and treat your HA if need be.
Believe me the quicker you draw a line under the idea that there is anything physically wrong the better x

29-12-14, 18:43
Thank you luc, I think maybe my prozac are starting to kick in a bit, im not as panicky as Iwas over xXmas, so hopefully once they become totally effective I may be able to kick this obsession, many thanks for your insight I can totally understand were you are coming from.

30-12-14, 21:07
Hi :) was wondering how you're getting on today? I have pulled my neck yesterday which is hurting my arm & giving me pains in my right breast again so I'm trying ( & failing) to stay calm. This is so draining xx

& luc that made me feel better- thanks x

30-12-14, 21:22
I have felt slightly calmer think meds are beginning to work, still fretting though xxxx

30-12-14, 21:48
Welcome ladies. Ten years giving twinges, sensations, shooting pains, normal fatty lumps etc the time of day. that's a long time and of course now from the outside looking in I think what a waste of that period of my life. I won't allow it anymore, it's taken too much of me. Believe me the quicker you try to understand and work on your HA instead of entertaining any thoughts of BC the better.

30-12-14, 22:32
Hi luc, if you have any tips on concurring this, i would be very grateful, 10 years is along time, it must have driven you crazy, I have had anxiety/depression for about 15 years on and off, but various different subjects not always health related and I have had some good times in between not always bad. Xxxx