View Full Version : Super embarasing problem :( help

29-12-14, 16:50
Okay, this is gross as hell. But I've been excessively belching for the past few days :blush: I stupidly Googled remedies, scrolled down and saw a page about stomach cancer and how one of the early symptoms is excessive belching (I'm praying that I've read that wrong, I only glanced. Didn't dare click the link)

I'm trying to rationalize because I have literally no stomach pain or discomfort (an occasional, barely there pain in my abdomen, but I sit hunched over all the time) the only other uncomfortable symptom I've had in the last few months is a sore throat, and that started yesterday and is nearly cleared up.

Anyways, the mere word 'cancer' has released the mental kraken and now I'm freaking the f out. I was getting better but I'm so frightened right now :(

While here, I should probably mention that I manage to link literally every little twinge and sensation to cancer somehow. I'm really starting to lose faith in my sanity here guys.

I know deep down that there's probably nothing wrong, but how do I get my thoughts in order long enough to actually calm down and rationalize these things? :weep:

29-12-14, 17:21
Sorry to hear about your problems :(
Do you think it could it possibly be diet related or a change in what you have been eating / drinking lately?

29-12-14, 22:48

Saw this and had to post. It also sounds very much like acid reflux and indigestion. When i get acid, i get the belching and the sore throat sometimes, sometimes pain sometimes not.

Hope it helps to put your mind at ease a bit x

29-12-14, 23:41
Do you eat quite quickly? This can cause you to swallow more air than normal, which has to come out :) Also if you've been eating richly at Christmas this type of diet change can cause you to be gassy, too.

30-12-14, 00:40
Sounds like brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts make you burp and fart, along with certain other foods including jerusalem artichoke. If you had a christmas dinner with brussel sprouts, it's probably because of that.