View Full Version : Haven't been here for a while :(

29-12-14, 17:06
I was doing really well, minor niggles but now am back to square one :(

Last sunday was feeling ill with sinus/cold feelings but then had a carol service to sing at so went along and felt sick to my stomach. Later on at an after party, ate quite a bit and felt better. Next day, nauseous again and dicky guts from worrying. Felt like I couldn't eat as much. Started getting bloated quickly, lasting for hours and not having as much appetite.

Woke up xmas feeling sick but through the day, ate my dinner, drank wine etc and was fine. Sick feeling again the next day and the boxing day night (after a party where I had managed pepsis and quite a few bits of buffet). By Saturday anxiety was through the roof. Had also been having constipation to diarrhoea, belching more often. chest pains, pain through to mid-back and shoulder blades. So, obviously(!) convinced myself it's pancreatic cancer.

Have been crying uncontrollably, totally off food and dropping weight, still bloating and Doc thinks it could be inflamed gallbladder so got antibiotics for that, but as with us all, terrified he is wrong especially after reading that people's initial symptoms were indigestion, belching more often and basically, my symptoms. Got horrible roller coaster belly going on, been taking propranolol and feeling slightly better. I know 27 is hugely unlikely to have PC but freaking out.


29-12-14, 17:53
Hi there, I'm new to this forum, just wanted to ask are you taking antidepressants at the mo, as I have just had my dose upped, and Ihave suffered terrible indigestion since, its a side effect of them. Xxx

29-12-14, 18:18
No have been off them for a few months now. Just read PC often diagnosed as gallbladder disease or causes inflamed gallbladder too :-(

29-12-14, 22:50
You would be extremely I'll if you had that, its your anxiety causing your symptoms, try to ignore them, easier said than done I know, you will lose weight because of anxiety Ihave, iI can't eat as much at the moment, the only time I feel really relaxed at the is when I have had a drink, the symptoms suddenly dissapear xx