View Full Version : Hairdresser Anxiety

29-12-14, 17:50
Hello everyone :)

Sorry i have not been on in a while stupid computer broke but santa bought me a new one :D. I hope everyone had a lovely xmas.

Here we go I have been dying my hair black for years but decided i wanted to go back to my natural hair color gingery caramel, I am getting a full head of highlights on the 5th but have been terrified of the whole what if i have an allergic reaction, anaphalactic shock etc etc i knowing being stupid i have used that xxl live black for years with know problem and that thing is full of ammonia and ppd. Just looking for advise has anyone went through the same do you think i would react to it. do highlights touch the scalp :huh:


29-12-14, 21:38
Hi Gadgirl, I have been through a lot of stress and worry about hair dye and allergic reactions (please see my old threads). When I was at my worst, I had highlights as they don't touch the scalp and my hairdresser said I would be safe to have them. It is also a good way of getting over the fear of dyeing your hair. Allergic reactions to hair dye is a common fear but as long as you do a allergy test before then you should be fine. :)

29-12-14, 22:14
Hey Alma thankyou, i dont know what this fear is as iv dyed it black for years with no patch test ( bad i know) and been absolutly fine.. damm brain

30-12-14, 01:03

This is a topic I am very familiar with and happen to know a lot about. I'm not trying to scare you but PPD allergy is very dangerous and serious and it's not an unwarranted fear. There is a board full of tons of people who have developed an allergy to PPD. Pauley Perrette had an allergic reaction to PPD after using black hair dye for years. Now highlights are a little different. Blonde is the safest hair color to have cause it is the lightest and contains the least amount of PPD. But that doesn't mean you can't react to it eventually. Usually bleach is used (which is PPD free) and what I would ask for. If your stylist says they need to use a toner (which is dye), find another stylist. It is very rare that you have to tone the hair as long as the stylist is good. But you have to be inquisitive and find out if they're going to use bleach or blonde dye and if they are going to tone. It should just be bleach in foils. And you're right that foils do protect the hair from the color. It is a lot safer doing it this way rather than applying the color openly on the head. But that still doesn't protect you completely, which is why it is best to use bleach. They might tell you blonde dye is better for the hair but I can tell you that bleach is better for your health. Also, allergy tests don't mean anything. You can do an allergy test and still react to it a day or two later when you actually dye your hair. It has happened before. In addition, they say to leave it on 48 hours. That's way longer than it would be on your skin while dying your hair and actually makes you more likely to have a reaction. All this knowledge is from years of research and talking to professionals cause PPD scares me too.

I've been wanting to go blonde for a long time. Unfortunately, my hair is too thin to bleach right now due to an iron deficiency. My stylist told me he could use blonde dye instead since my hair is so thin. He didn't feel comfortable using bleach. I wasn't going to take that chance and use color so I'm waiting until I get my iron back up and my hair gets thicker so he can use bleach on me.

Hope this helps! :)

02-01-15, 21:46
I thought I was the only one lol I'm like this everytime I go to the hairdressers. I dye my hair dark too and I sometimes feel a tingle on my scalp when they leave the colour to take and I constantly worry about an allergic reaction. I also have extensions which takes nearly 4 hours twice a year and I panic about feeling trapped. Crazy I know

05-01-15, 11:46
ok so my appointment is in 15 minutes.. and cue the fast heart rate and thinking the worst... breathe. Hopefully i dont freak out in the salon that would be so embarrassing wish me luck lol