View Full Version : Hate this feeling..... Really want to put a positive thread on one day!

Female healthanxiety
29-12-14, 18:55
Hi guys

Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas!

My heart-stroke fears are back and I feel like it's really eating me up inside.

I started a new job a few months ago and am finally on the way to becoming debt free!

My new job is a usual position for ME as an office manager so of course I had the usual nerves you have when starting a new job and fitting in - so far it's fine and have settled in well.

Apart from my fear is back. The numbers int left arm, hand and foot is driving me insane.

I even feel like my left foot is tighter theny right good when wearing any type of footwear (even slippers).

I had all the cardio tests in March this year which were fine apart from I was a little unfit.

Today I thought right eat healthy now and be more active and I walked for half an hour (not long I know) - then an hour later, I have a twitch inh left finger And my left side feels weak.....

I even went out shopping with my sister a couple of days ago smd always feel likey calf and foot is going to give way, and in turn my left hand feels numb.

I've also been off work since xmas eve, been sleeping in but yet my bags are awful.

I feel terrible at times when I have to open things etc as my left hand feels weak.....

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Christmas bump!

29-12-14, 20:29
I can't offer any more advice than simply jump into it and get so buried in work you'll have no time to worry.

But only on a hypochondriac's phone does "me" autocorrect to "ME"! Lol

Female healthanxiety
29-12-14, 20:39
Ohhhh that did make ME chuckle!

Will try and I am a trier, I believe in getting in with things, but this is making me feel so disabled.....