View Full Version : For those who worry about brain aneuryisms.

29-12-14, 20:33
So long story short I spent a long time terrified of aneurysms just now. Today I had sharp pains, Tinitus and eye problems and was convinced it was my time. (I'm an 18 year old and this really isnt normal) So I decided that I should do my research as I had seen on another thread and be impartial and rational.

So the NHS states that only 1 out of 12,500 people will have a brain aneurysm, Per year.

Percentage wise thats a 0.00008% chance of having a brain aneurysm so per year 4312 people will have a brain aneurysm in England thats 11 people per day. So the chance of you have a brain aneurysm that ruptures today is (11/53.9 million) 0.00000002% Which is marginally more common than winning the lottery. So next time you have headaches and pains just remember you'd rather win the lottery!

P.S hope it helps like it did me !

Not sure if my maths is 101% :) feel free to correct me!

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

As a side note its funny up on working that out my tinnitus calmed down and the headaches arn't as much as a bother ha!

29-12-14, 20:39
Makes sense to me apart from your %. I may be wrong but 1 in 12000 is roughly 0.012%

29-12-14, 20:45
My husbands mom actually had one and she is still here today and healthy as a 60 year old can possibly be. She had one way back in the 80s when birth control was a lot stronger and they think that contributed to a lot of them. Now they are so much more rare. So I have no clue whether your math is correct or not, I just know that they are super uncommon!

29-12-14, 20:51
Well even still maths wise its proves a very slim chance is the point I'm making :)

Thanks for the correction the calculation should have been

(1/12500)*100 forgot that last bit !

So its a 0.000002% chance which is still pretty damn slim!

Thanks for the correction Cpe!

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:50 ----------

Just a bit of reassuring info for those who get a freak out because I know anxiety can cause terrifying symptoms I get sharp pains in my head and strange eye symptoms and can be utterly convinced safe to say those statistics are somewhat a reassurance

29-12-14, 22:11
Actually 0.008% but near enough ;) willing to accept that is damn unlikely.